posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:18 AM
I've lived a long life. Seemingly elongated by an interesting life.
I had a turbulent and lived in many different places before I was 11. Up until I was 11, I hadn't gone to a school for two consecutive years. Some
years, a half a year or not at all. I had gone to one school twice, having attended at 1st grade and at 4th grade (half a year).
I've never met my father. There was some speculation as to whom he was, however I didn't have a very large family. My mother passed away at 27, 8
days after I turned 9. June 29th...
The next year, my great grandfather passed away on August 29th. He had just retired at 67, a little while after my mother passed.. He fell down on the
stairs to the mobile home we lived in. He went to a hospital, and from there to a care facility. He passed shortly after.
I had been living at his place with my grandmother. I had been living with my grandmother since I was 9 months old, but I had often
visited/seen/stayed with my mom when she had a place for me to stay. My grandmother was the most generous, humorous, and kind person I know. From her,
I learned these things...I loved her more than anything. She passed away the next year, September 29th. 3 years, 3 deaths. She died at 45, heart
problems compounded by speed use. I really need to expound upon this later...
I had one close relative left (never knowing who my grandfather was... my mother, grandmother, great grandfather, and great grandmother being only
children (as far as I know). My great grandmother decided that I was too young and she was retiring... She left me to be a ward of the state.
Ironically, I had found out the *actual* name on my birth certificate than... as I had been in court to hear all of it.
From there, I went to a short term foster care house. It wasn't too bad. Nice family, near where I had lived with my grandmother. Unfortunately, I
wasn't able to stay there. I got shown two other houses that I could stay with for a few years. I picked.... badly.
As luck would have it, the craziness of my earlier life would turn out to be my happy and 'stable' memories of a childhood. Foster care was...
traumatizing... I was with them for 8 imperceptibly long years. I got along with one person out of the 6 to sometimes 9 person family. He got stabbed
to death when he was 20 at a party because some guys didn't like him.
Life has had it's in and outs from there. Lots of them before there, too.
I don't want anyone to see this as some sort of "pity me" attempt, I just want people to understand where I come from. A lot of people assume I'm
a negative person, or that I dwell on only the bad things.. but there's always something to learn from life and experiences.
I hope that people can find good and bad in my life, maybe take a step back to rethink how they see people in the immediate sense, and sometimes have
a laugh or two.
Often on several chat programs, and am willing to listen if someone needs to talk or vent. ^_^
I'm also interested in expanding several areas of my education, if anyone has some spare time to tutor