posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:08 AM
I would bet this is Obama telling the Israelis that they cant strike Iran till after the election or suffer the consequences. The Israelis wont like
this move if it is not to support them. Since all the aircraft are air dominance fighters and not dual role, this is my suspicion. Obama is not a
friend to Israel at all. If I am correct the Israelis are very very smart and will find a way to still attack Iran if they feel they need too!
Plus if we the U.S. were going to attack Iran, more than six Raptors would be used just in case. We always go for over kill. Six Raptors can only
cover so much air space at one time and they all need refueling outside enemy airspace.
Not to mention we had 5 carrier battle groups for the two Iraq wars. We would be sending a massive amount of hardware there if we were going to launch
any strike. I guarantee Obama wont risk his election striking Iran. This is a block to stop the Israelis.