posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:20 AM
US Military members are not prohibitted from voting, however, under and act proposed and passed thanks to Mr. Daschle, military members are only
allowed to vote far in advance with absentee ballots. Previously, if a military member lived on a US base they were allowed to vote in the regular
elections as a normal local registrant. Before (I believe) 1996, military members living abroad on US bases could still vote real time with electronic
Because ALL US military members are now relegated to absentee ballots, they must now vote months in advance (meaning they dont have an opportunity to
find out who won the primaries, ect), with much paperwork (meaning not many will have the time or desire to complete that paperwork, and many will not
In addition, during the 2000 election, many of these absentee ballots were lost or delayed, and Sen Daschle as well as many dummycrats actively fought
in court to disallow ANY military absentee ballots to be counted, essentially robbing the right to vote from the entire US military (but then, the
dummycrats would find that logical, as the military is overwhelmingly republican)