Ad Lib
We all have our opinions about ads, and we are all quite entitled to them, but I do ask that we not discuss or advocate the use of ad blockers on ATS,
because we don't solicit donations, the site costs a
lot of money to run and ads are the only things keeping the lights on.
Or, as our
terms & conditions put it:
20b) Ad Blockers: As the Websites are provided as a free service, in part through the income of our advertising, you agree not to use
"ad-blocking" software or similar built-in web browser options designed to obfuscate or block online advertising while using the Websites.
I understand some members and guests will resent that, but since none of us has the kind of extra money lying around that would be needed to pay the
bills out of our own pockets, I hope it's not considered too high a "price of admission".
Also, as
zorgon mentioned, members see fewer ads than guests (personal disclosure: that's actually one of the main reasons I signed up,
myself), and members with those fancy borders around their posts don't see any ads at all. At least, so I am told, because I don't have a fancy
border, and I still see ads on the main page and forums page.
We do have a thread for reporting
obnoxious ads that irritate our members, and don't
want anyone to be negatively affected by them.
The owners have repeatedly rejected any and all proposals involving a membership fee, and while I'm pretty sure the OP is being a bit tongue-in-cheek
about the idea, it's never a bad idea to point that out.
As for the is a Government COINTELPRO Disinformation Operation
issue, that's practically a rite of passage, and I doubt any of us hasn't considered the possibility at some point or another.
I know I did, and figured ATS would be an ideal place for doing that, sort of like the way the feds infiltrated and basically ran the "militia
movement" back in the '80s (and presumably still do today). Not that anyone would believe me, but after seven years "behind the curtain", I can say
that if the government
is somehow behind ATS, they're doing an outstanding job of hiding it from everyone on the staff.
As a compiracy buff myself, I understand the sentiment and don't mind it, as long as people don't make false claims or personally attack the owners or
staff for doing our part in keeping things running. I mean hey, this IS a conspiracy site, after all. Some things are expected.
Anyway, another long, rambling MajicPost™ I guess, but I figured I might as well throw in my two bits. Lucky you.
edit on 5/11/2012 by Majic because: (no reason given)