posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Suranwrap200
thanks for the info any tips on how i can have an OBE i have read a lot of the post on ats but still could use some help. Thanks again
If you have a full day to not be disturbed then, you can try this technique.
Have a full day of activity like the beach, hiking, or pretty much anything outdoors, then go to bed early....I mean like 4 in the afternoon early.
You can either set an alarm for around 11pm or use the tried and true native american method (drink two 8oz glasses of water before you go to sleep).
When you go to sleep at 4pm, dont try and have anything happen, just relax and go to sleep. When you wake up around 11pm stay up for around
30-40minutes. Dont do anything strenous, clean the dishes or paint somthing or whatever, just stay somewhat relaxed. After that 30-40 minutes has
passed go lay back down.
Here's when good ole meditation skills pay off.
NOTE: if you cant relax the body, quiet the mind and focus, you will most likely be
unsucessful at Astral projection, so practice meditation)
Relax, focus on your breathing/body, keep your mind awake while your body falls back to sleep.
After awhile you will most likely experience a buzzing sensation for alittle bit followed by paralysis. Dont be frightened!!! The paralysis is just a
sign that your BODY is finally asleep while your mind is still alert (thats a good thing
). Stay relaxed and just 'go with it'. If a short time has
passed without spontanious projection you can try to "mentally" roll out of your body. Make sure that you are NOT trying to actually move your
physical body.
I highly suggest you practice meditation before even trying it as you will most likely be more sucessfull your first go around and wont become
frustrated with any failed efforts.
edit on 10-5-2012 by Talltexxxan because: (no reason given)