Welcome PurpleChiten
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AboveTopSecret is much like a theme park with many, many rides, with that said...
Here's a few thoughts before getting onto any one of the 1000's of topical rides at Above Top Secret, also known as ATS, the world's largest
Civil & Unique Discussion Community.
*** Please be at least this tall to get on any of the rides, (Johnny
stretches his arm outward), and act like an 'civil' adult. This will save you a lot of future stress, frustration and possible action by one of your
friendly neighborhood Mods!
*** Please remember that some members are very passionate and vocal depending
on what ride you're on. Before getting on a ride, you should be mentally fit, emotionally stable and have a strong stomach for theories, conjecture,
research and evidence presented that may be contrary to your own.
*** Please be "open-minded" enough to understand that sometimes the ride
isn't always what you might think or expect. At times, you may learn something new and 'out-of-the-box' before you get off the ride, this is a
natural and normal phenomena.
*** Please note that at times the ride gets overly-heated and "it's
strongly suggested" to get off the ride to regroup one's thoughts before continuing. This will also help guarantee that the ride will move forward
without getting derailed or explode into a fiery trashbin.
*** Please have fun! But be aware if you act in an uncivil-like manner, use
profanity, troll, intentionally spread a hoax and/or get verbally abusive, you will be removed off the ride by a Moderator. This is for your safety, &
also for those both young and old on the ride with you.
So buckle up, keep your arms within the ride's comfort zone, have fun and "Deny Ignorance"...!