posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by TopherWayne
That was my very thought. Holy crap, it looks like something from The Abyss! But at 60 cm's it's very small, compared to the impression it gives on
the video.
Right off I didn't take it for a man made object, It looked real. Seeing it up close, translucent and at times 'glowing' was simply wild! Mind
you, after watching a show the night before on giant squid the thought crossed my mind "I wonder if it's dangerous?" (thinking it was larger then
it was). Looking at the tail, I wondered if it was a tail at first. Then I thought no maybe a feeler, or maybe a sex organ.
I did a google search, and two creatures popped up that people though it could be. Deepstaria Enigmatica jellyfish and Stygiomedusa Gigantea. It does
not look like a Stygiomedusa Gigantea. And neither does it look or move like a Deepstaria Engmatica Jellyfish.
I went to Reddit and watched a rather clear video of Deepstaria Engmatica and the Deepstaria Engmatica just does not move like the creature in the
video, nor does it seem to show a 'tail' or organs inside it's folds. The creature in the video to me, could possibly be from the same family, but
I'm not buying it's a Deepstaria Engmatica. That is unless I see one moving like the creature in the video.
I think there are many creatures we have never come across in the depths of the oceans.