posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Okay, I watched a half-hour thing on T.V. about some apartments upstate which were pretty slummy and cheap, containing lots of poor people, being used
as a big guinea pig cage in order to test chemicals on the inhabitants. One of the children got a life-threatening disease that he will never be cured
of... I forget what it was called, though (sorry). He wasn't the only one who got a long-term blow of damage to his health, though. Many of them got
sick and two of them died, others suffering from damaged immune systems.
This has nothing to do with the world or conspiracies on first glance, but then I got thinking... if they're wicked hearted enough to put cancer
viruses and live lab-made flu viruses in the vaccines, why not spread it through the central heat and air in apartment complexes? They would certainly
have the access to it. I'm not sure exactly what would be spread around through air vents, but it's certainly possible if they wanted to knock down
the population (which they do), and that could very well be one of the many subtle ways they go about it.
What do you think?