I am here proudly reporting live to ya'll out there in the blogosphere from the center of the state of Maine - which seems to have become Ron Paul's
true first victory at the state level, as he has captured the majority of delegates. As someone who has been a Ron Paul supporter for years now,
starting back in the 08 election, it has truly been exciting and humbling to be a part of, and in the midst of, this wave of momentum that has built
to a staggering level and is threatening to tip the establishment on it's head.
I started this thread however to bring to the forefront of everyone's attention the subversive and shady tactics being employed at these conventions,
on every level. The states of Maine and Nevada held their State conventions over the weekend, electing national delegates and committeemen and
committeewomen to represent their states in Tampa at the National Convention. Ron Paul, because of his enormous support - from everyone the likes of
college kids to grandparents - and grassroots organizing that has put other campaigns to shame, did incredibly well in both places. And looks to be in
good shape in about 10 other states, at least.
It seems his opposition is highly organized and enthusiastic, as well, because they were out in full force in both Nevada and Maine, using tactics
that can only be characterized in negative terms such as shady, or sketchy. I think it is extremely important to note that these tactics were very
similar, in Maine, and then in Nevada 3000 miles away.
This video was made by a woman named Jennifer Taylor, who was subject and witness to these attempts by the opposition to Ron Paul. She lays out in her
video multiple attempts to disrupt the convention and distort the delegate election process, most notably by having people pass out fake slates
listing false names of delegates, or misspellings, and nominating people for the delegation who had already chosen not to do so. She explains how this
interfered with the process.
Now we jump over to Nevada.. and this video of a local news report from outside their State convention. In this video, the female reporter explains
how the Ron Paul supporters saw random people passing out fake slates, once again, with misspellings and false names on the delegate list.
So similar tactics used in both state conventions. To me this signals a well organized plot to disrupt the process. Why would they do this unless they
were truly worried? More and more people are waking up. There is a groundswell of momentum as people left and right become aware.
Just yesterday, I had my cousin over who I also view as one of my best friends. We talk about a lot, but never really gotten into the political
debate. I was reading political news articles online, and watching Ron Paul interviews and clips of him at the debates through my computer/TV, and my
cousin became fascinated. He had no idea there was a politician out there who spoke like this, who had these views. His mouth dropped to the floor. I
gave him the run down - his positions, the blatant media blackout, why he is so dangerous to very powerful people - and as he connected the dots, he
exclaimed, "Wow! I've never voted before! But I am voting for Ron Paul this fall!" This is not the first time this has happened for me. It used to
be much harder, now all it takes is a little bit of effort and people are pulling the wool from OFF of their own eyes.
As excited as I get sometimes, my cynicism does take over usually. And I know the battle is still uphill. But I couldn't be more satisfied at this
point. Even if Ron Paul does not become our next President, the Revolution HAS started. I used to be somewhat hopeless, and did not have much faith in
the people. I am glad to say they are proving me wrong, and making me a believer. We must stay vigilant, and keep on the lookout for people who hope
to bring us down using dishonorable tactics.
thanks OP for this informative thread. i do think the tptb dont want ron paul to be elected becuase (i hope he would) end all corruption in our
government and take our country back from these globalists..im just hoping he dosent turn out be a fake like most of our presidents and just lie his
way in there. Ron Paul to me is the leader of a true america a Just america a Free america! Revolution 2012 with or without you
Awesome job by that woman catching the perp handing out false slates on video! Now someone need to get in touch with that guy, and ask him "nicely"
who payed him and how much.
I can understand him not wanting to be on video though....
This thread needs more flags, maybe change the topic to make it more attractive... to like "Ron Paul Slate-Faker caught red handed!"
edit on
8-5-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)
Thanks, OP, for this report. All I can say is that I'm thrilled that the Ron Paul people are so sharp, and so confrontational--and so suspicious of
the same-ol'-same-ol'! A less agressive and intelligent bunch would have been overwhelmed and beaten down by now--as was the plan....
Thanks, OP, for this report. All I can say is that I'm thrilled that the Ron Paul people are so sharp, and so confrontational--and so suspicious of
the same-ol'-same-ol'! A less agressive and intelligent bunch would have been overwhelmed and beaten down by now--as was the plan....
That is their mistake. They continue to treat Ron Paul supporters as the mindless drones they see as the masses, as they have always done. They forget
that the difference between a Ron Paul supporter and the rest are that they have woken up to the charade, and are now awake to spot the shenanigans as
It is because they continue to underestimate us that we will win!
edit on 8-5-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)
That is why I refrained from placing blame on anyone specific, though I know they speculated in the first video because some people thought they
witnessed the man who was handing out the fake slates besides a Romney campaign table all night. We will probably never know for certain who was
behind something like this, though I think you are right. The Left does have a lot to fear from Ron Paul, as he would give Obama fits instead of their
long-ago selected nominee Mittens Romney who would gracefully lose the race, I would assume. Not to mention, the more chaos on the Republican side,
more good news for them. From that perspective however, I would think they would be trying to help Ron Paul be more successful against the presumptive
nominee to amp up the confusion.
I'd also quickly like to say that I didn't get a chance to edit the title of the thread, but it should be corrected that this took place at the
State Conventions, not the actual caucus.