I'm actually rather REALLY interested in this subject now because of last night. I don't know what to classify my "dream" as because it's either
Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projecting.
In my dream, I got into a fight with my Mom and her boyfriend and he ended up stabbing me with 2 syringes and injecting what looks to be like black
liquid. My Mom started yelling at him, all the while I felt like I was dying and that was when I finally woke up out of my dream and realiazed I
wasn't dreaming anymore. I took action, and started choking her boyfriend and I wasn't even dying anymore after I realized I was dreaming.
Realizing I was in my dream I started to think about Astral Projecting. I wanted to see if I was in the Astral plane or not and since I was home
during that fight with my Moms boyfriend I decided to go upstairs to see if I was still sleeping. So, I go upstairs and I saw a dark shadow like
figure on the bed as if someone was lying there. I saw my dog on the bed, which was also the exact position my dog was in at the time. Then I just
stood there at the door way, just staring at my shadow figure then all of a sudden I could hear myself breathing while sleeping. So, I thought okay
that's got to be me and I started having fun.
I can't believe how vivid it really was, and how life like it felt. First thing I did was try to fly, lmao. I failed the first two times then I
actually got serious about it and I took off flying. Amazing, really. I can't remember a lot of what happened, but I remember meeting a guy and I was
talking to him about Astral projecting and I think I scared him when I told him this is where we were and for some reason he looked as if he was
afraid? I think I mentioned something about not waking up if you get lost in the astral world? I went on to explain to him about this astral world,
and even showed him that I could fly and when I did, I took off at a speed so fast I can't even describe it and I ended up trying to chase after a
plane that went by. And this is where it got crazy, as I was chasing after this plane it went by a building but for some reason I couldn't control it
and went through the building, through the walls and all of a sudden I started visually spinning out of control and I tried so hard to wake up from
that but couldn't and it took maybe it felt like 5 minutes trying to wake up out of it before I finally did.
I mean, it was so freaking amazing. And this has got one of the few dreams I actually had where I could take complete control over myself and realized
that I was in the astral plane. I even had a fight with someone and it seemed so powerful, like Matrix style when Neo fights. Like when I blocked a
kick, it felt so powerful and I cannot even explain it.
It's was amazing. I've had many lucid dreams before, but not like last night where I was able to take full control over myself and realize I was
dreaming. My only problem is, was I really just lucid dreaming or was I in the astral plane? For almost 2 months now I've been trying to Astral
Project, and trying to take control of my lucid dreams and now that I finally did I'm asking myself what really happened last night? Was it lucid
dreaming? OR was it really astral projecting? Or are they both, simply the same thing.
Thanks for reading my experience
Any advice regarding anything about what I've experienced or questions I asked would be appreciated.