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ILLEGAL Immigrants Receive $Billions Yearly via IRS Loophole

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posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:13 PM

NBC Eyewitness News 13 in Indiana — yes, Indiana -- shows a massive IRS tax loophole which provides over $4 billion per year in tax credits to millions of illegal aliens. In many cases recipients of American taxpayers' misused monies have never set foot in the United States.

Indiana is approximately 1700 miles northeast of the Mexican border.

A device known as the Additional Child Tax Credit is being used to pay for children living in Mexico — who have never lived here. One thief admitted through an interpreter that his address is being used to file tax returns for numerous children, including multiple nieces and nephews. "If the opportunity is there and they give it [to him] why not take advantage of it?" he asked in Spanish. As a stunning example, thousands in tax credits have been awarded to an illegal alien who claimed 20 children live in a single trailer, that actually housed just one little girl.

I always wondered how immigrants working only so many hours a week, at supposedly rock bottom income, are able to afford to deck out their cars and able to afford luxury's My wife and I can't who both have college educations.

Now I know.

I have no problem with immigrants who are here Legally and have pride in their country, but those who come here illegally or are only granted citizenship after first being illegal, should not be given any exemptions, and this is proof that it costs us dearly.

Of course with this kind of loophole why would they want to be legal? Heck Makes me wish I was Illegal (joking- sort of)

I'll post part two if I can find it.
edit on 5-5-2012 by tw0330 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:18 PM
Could you be an angel and type out the loop hole for us, the video is taking an age to buffer on the wifi im on, cheers!

Thanks for the edit.*

Wowzers thats pretty bad state of affairs and the money amount is certainly no laughing matter!

And i thought the UKs policy's on such things was bad, very ouch baby, very ouch.

edit on 5-5-2012 by Biigs because: general edit*

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:21 PM
This is outrageous

IRS needs to be put under investigation

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Ok, I edited the original and added part of the story.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by muse7

Actually it's congress that needs to be investigated, but who would investigate them? Legally no one can in this kind of matter.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:26 PM
"if the opportunity is there, why not take it"

Yeah, it does bother me that US citizens are being cheated (i'm not from the US), but i do see his logic.

It is a dog eat dog world, and you'd be foolish to not take advantage. I mean, if citizens had the chance at something like this, they wouldn't take it?
It's a problem with your system - not the people.

If you put an expensive piece of meat in front of a starving dog - he will take it. It's not his fault. He's hungry. It's the person's fault for giving it to him

I'm saying this, because no doubt people will come on here for a hatred for these people. I was quite surprised that person living at that address was willing to talk on camera.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by xxdaniel21

Oh, I agree with you, why not. Anyone would if they could. The "well to do" do this too.

I don't blame them, I blame the government for ignoring such a blatant loophole that costs us billions. Yes it is from the collective tax money the government receives each year that go out to them, and which they don't contribute to, causing everyone else to have higher taxes to pay for it.
edit on 5-5-2012 by tw0330 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Oh crud, I looked, and didn't see the other post, sorry for the double post folks.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by tw0330

It's illogical to see why they would continue this way - especially when the united states has bigger problems to solve.

All this money "here and there" is adding up, and most of it could combat the debt that is plaguing your nation.

Sure, it's not "their" money - hence they don't give a # about where it goes - but surely... they can find some rationalisation that it's better in the US pockets than the illegal immigrants?

They're helping a system which is cheating the US as a whole - not just the taxpayer.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:47 PM
Wouldn't it be grand to pay your taxes in accordance with your voting.

So you could tick a box that said "hell no my tax money isnt going to XYZ"
And yes to things you and your political stance reflects.

Nope because everyone who voted against the actually winner HAS TO SUCK IT UP!!!

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 09:13 PM
So essentially this can be done by anyone.

1. File for an itin as an undocumented immigrant worker
2. Then file for a tax return
3. Claim income
4. Claim dependents
5. Tell the irs where to send the check, preferably electronic transfer to a bank account as rapid return
6. Profit!!

Sounds fair seeing as anyone can do it if they choose.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by xxdaniel21
"if the opportunity is there, why not take it"

Yeah, it does bother me that US citizens are being cheated (i'm not from the US), but i do see his logic.

It is a dog eat dog world, and you'd be foolish to not take advantage. I mean, if citizens had the chance at something like this, they wouldn't take it?
It's a problem with your system - not the people.

If you put an expensive piece of meat in front of a starving dog - he will take it. It's not his fault. He's hungry. It's the person's fault for giving it to him

I'm saying this, because no doubt people will come on here for a hatred for these people. I was quite surprised that person living at that address was willing to talk on camera.

That is the logic of a psychopath, and if all Mexico has to offer is Psychopaths then we are better off building a barrier that would make the Rockies seem small.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:27 AM
Doesn't surprise me. Anything to entice illegals to keep working in the States. Makes the corporate masters happy to have a little more cash in their huge bank accounts. I doubt Obama would do anything about it if he was informed. It'll probably continued so long as the States isn't utterly, completely financially ruined.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by korathin

lol yeah, right then. I guess the US would put that on their wishlist along with all the other things they can't afford?

That would be ideal in a perfect world - but this world, is far from perfect. Hence why we have threads/scenarios like this.

It's not a logic of a "psychopath" necessarily, rather it's more of a common logic that everybody shares.
The only reason we hold this back is because we are in a civilised society and adhere to rules and regulations.

You would be lying to yourself if you said you wouldn't consider it. I mean, just look at what "emberscott" posted. He was stating that anyone could do it in theory, and i'm assuming he's an american citizen. What does that say?

Rather than the "great wall" idea, how about a solution to the core of the problem? Wouldn't that be better than just masking over it? What's to stop me from doing it, then?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by tw0330

Not really sure who all these illegals you are seeing in "decked out" cars, but I personally know - some in my family - more than two dozen illegal aliens or ex-illegal aliens and the only ones that had any "bling" so to speak were the ones that had made their own "side" business for cash under the table...things like laying tile, panting, roofing, gardening, drywall, etc. And even then, we're talking a nice pick-up truck and some good tools, maybe a good TV set and a computer, not some lavish villa or twin set of new benz's.

I can't speak for any of these people's tax returns (though, if you are illegal, how do you file taxes?), but I know they pay property and sales tax, which is your local and state funding...income/payroll tax is illegals just don't pay the lion's share of border security or the wars...
...they're still paying for fire-rescue, police, schools, etc.

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