posted on May, 7 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Obama's Baffling Boast
Indirectly to topic...
Our problem is the political party system. We don't get genuine contenders. We get a political beauty pageant every four years and then some
half-cooked idiot in the White House.
Personally, I would like to see the party system abolished and allow anyone who is an American citizen over 35 years of age, allowed to run for
president. They would get no federal funding so funding would be raised by campaigning on a personal, street level.
Special interest would be tossed. Corporations could no masquerade as voters. candidates would ride a Greyhound, take a train or drive their minivans
to campaign. It would be real people addressing real people on issues.
My guess is that... we would end up with a better product than our modern, conveyor belt system has produced over that last 50-60 years.
Okay... this was not a bullseye on topic so... if it is stricken, I will not say a word but I will stand by the position.