posted on May, 4 2012 @ 08:34 PM
Well, this whole topic opens a huge can of worms one that can be mulled over endlessly.
But, I would say that first of all millennials aren't really much more self entitled and narcissistic then any of the preceding generations. In fact
I would say the baby boomers and the early portion of generation x are just as self entitled and narcissistic. After all the baby boomers primarily
and some of generation x are knowingly and in a self centered fashion selling out the millennials into massive debt just so they can have their
entitlement programs like social security and Medicare.
And the older generations can say what they want about paying into the system, the fact is everyone knows there is no money there and every dime paid
out is being taken from those currently paying in. Basically the narcissistic older generations are going to force some of generation x and the
millennials to keep shoveling their money in the form of taxes into a system that they will never be able to reap the benefits from. But, screw those
self entitled little whippersnappers right? Just so long as the older generations get theirs.
In fact looking at the world the older generations have shaped and are shaping, is it really any wonder the millennials may be the way they are?
Is it any wonder they have a sense of self entitlement, when they watch the older generations grabbing everything they can for themselves and saddling
the millennials and future generations with insurmountable debt, just so they can have their own self entitlement programs, like social security and
Is it any wonder that they don't care much about the corporations, when they see those same corporations making profits cutting workers benefits and
sending jobs over seas.
Is it any wonder that they don't care much about the banks and the economy, when they see the government incurring more debt bailing the banks out of
their bad choices and are watching the global economy sputter and choke more and more everyday.
Is it any wonder that many don't care about the environment when they see so many of the older generations busy raping the environment for profit and
constantly occupied talking about and hoping for some looming doomsday scenario.
Is it any wonder that they like much of generation x are apathetic to politics when they basically see the same thing every election, people rushing
around and alternating the parties, while nothing seems to change; the corporations still get more benefits and representation then the people and the
mountain of debt and the binding and detrimental regulations just pile higher and higher.
Is it any wonder that they are being raised to a large degree by technology and the MSM when their parents shove computers and cell phones into their
little hands as soon as possible.
Is it any wonder that they have no value of privacy, when from their youngest age their "Helicopter parents" have been constantly looking over their
shoulder using technology and never giving them any privacy in the first place. In order for them to value privacy they would have to have it and
experience it first.
I know most of what I said very precariously bordering on a rant, but I would say it does show a big truth; one many of the older generations seem to
be missing and that truth is what ever the faults of the millennials may be, they didn't create themselves, in fact everything the millennials are
was taught to them by and shaped by society and their parents; the older generations.
The older generations are the ones that bred and raised the millennials, everything they are was shaped by their teachings and their hands, they truly
are the older generations creation. And I would say when the older generations start knocking the millennials for this and that and want to look for
something to blame for the reason why they are that way....well those older generations should look in the mirror first and gaze deeply into their own
narcissistic and self entitled faces.
Just my opinion though.