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US 10-point plan to Fight Terrorism

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posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 11:37 PM
1. Show a calm, unflappable presidential image to our enemies by going on vacation incessantly.

2. Underfund the repair and maintenance of the nation's bridges, tunnels, and public transportation, to trick terrorists into thinking they've already been blown up.

3. Allow every paranoid psycopath in the country to own a gun, on the off chance that they'll accidentally shoot a few sleeper agents.

4. Make air travel so miserable that even suicidal hijackers won't want to travel by plane.

5. Make sure Americans have plenty of time to look for potential terrorist activities by not being saddled with mundane chores, like having jobs.

6. Screw up the economy so bad that impoverished wackos will no longer see the US as a land of rich indulgence.

7. Allow American airspace to get so pulluted that no hijacker could ever even find a building to hit.

8. Round up top Republican thinkers, ship them to the Mid-East, and have them use their vast experience to fix elections and install leaders who are lamebrain shills for US industry.

9. Allow American crops to be genetically modified, radiated, and sprayed with toxic chemicals so that terrorists will find poisoning our food supply redundant.

10. Let the task of fighting terrorism be accomplished the way more and more work is being accomplished nowadays - by outsourcing it to India.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
4. Make air travel so miserable that even suicidal hijackers won't want to travel by plane.

How can air travel get more miserable than it is already? Last time I was on a plane was a year ago. Round trip to Las Vegas(Grand Canyon was the destination) and I believe I'd rather drive the next time!

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 08:17 PM

    Originally posted by Intelearthling
    How can air travel get more miserable than it is already? Last time I was on a plane was a year ago. Round trip to Las Vegas(Grand Canyon was the destination) and I believe I'd rather drive the next time!

    How about instead of going to Las Vegas(Grand Canyon destination), your flight goes right into a skyscraper(hell will be the destination). Isn't that more miserable than it is already!

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by fanoose
How about instead of going to Las Vegas(Grand Canyon destination), your flight goes right into a skyscraper(hell will be the destination). Isn't that more miserable than it is already!

What are you trying to say? You're God and condemning me to hell? I just mentioned the Grand Canyon, because I have no need to go to Las Vegas, except it was the nearest the flight would take us.

Don't talk about Hell to me! You sure as hell won't see me there!

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Don't talk about Hell to me! You sure as hell won't see me there!

Sure i won't see you in hell, cause i'll be in heaven then

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu

4. Make air travel so miserable that even suicidal hijackers won't want to travel by plane.

You don't like travelling by plane? Try travelling by train or car, we'll see if that's faster or more comfortable

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by fanoose

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Don't talk about Hell to me! You sure as hell won't see me there!

Sure i won't see you in hell, cause i'll be in heaven then

Can't get into Heaven unless it's by Jesus Christ and not by amyone else!

I don't make the rules! You're just dreaming if you think you can get into Heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior! I pity your soul!

[edit on 30/9/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
6. Screw up the economy so bad that impoverished wackos will no longer see the US as a land of rich indulgence.

This has been accomplished. I'd add a social sistem to the economy. I guess half of the visas requested by US for other nations are not neccessary any more, as those people are not even thinking of staying there for life but just doing their Vegas, Miami or business, hoping to get back home asap.

The convincement that MOST of the rest of the world envys America whatever America feels there is to envy is by far just a local attraction for the arrived ones during the immigration control.

And then, did any of you ever read what are the questions on the green visa waiver? (Were you a NAzi during the WW2?, Are you a terrorist?) I was crying out loud the first time I red those!

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:47 PM
1. Show a calm, unflappable presidential image to our enemies by going on vacation incessantly.

2. Underfund the repair and maintenance of the nation's bridges, tunnels, and public transportation, to trick terrorists into thinking they've already been blown up.

3. Allow every paranoid psycopath in the country to own a gun, on the off chance that they'll accidentally shoot a few sleeper agents.

4. Make air travel so miserable that even suicidal hijackers won't want to travel by plane.

5. Make sure Americans have plenty of time to look for potential terrorist activities by not being saddled with mundane chores, like having jobs.

6. Screw up the economy so bad that impoverished wackos will no longer see the US as a land of rich indulgence.

7. Allow American airspace to get so pulluted that no hijacker could ever even find a building to hit.

8. Round up top Republican thinkers, ship them to the Mid-East, and have them use their vast experience to fix elections and install leaders who are lamebrain shills for US industry.

9. Allow American crops to be genetically modified, radiated, and sprayed with toxic chemicals so that terrorists will find poisoning our food supply redundant.

10. Let the task of fighting terrorism be accomplished the way more and more work is being accomplished nowadays - by outsourcing it to India.

Incorrect. Funny, but incorrect. Here are a few of the resons why:

You complain about other nation not having enough money, then turn around and say that the U.S. doesn't have enough money. So, what should we do if we're so poor? Send our paychecks to Iraq? But according to you, we aren't. You'd be surprised how much we're getting done. You don't like it? Then go over there and do it yourself, if you think you can do a better job.

As for everybody owning a gun, what are we supposed to do? We can't regulate everything. Don't you think that there's the off chance that somebody's going to find one of the millions of weapons the Russians sent over there? Things take time. We have instant coffee, instant entertainment, and now, instant war.

And hijacking. Airplanes are pretty fancy to people who own camels instead of cars. Plus, it's their fault anyway. Maybe airlines would be able to have better airplanes if Arabs didn't insist on boycotting the "Great Satan."

And there's the inevitable job situation. It's actually improved since Bush took office, and there are more jobs. But you're right about one thing. People have more free time. Now that they aren't sending 60% of their money to the government.

Oh, and about the land of indulgence comment: we can't get any worse than them. They may have oil, but they have to have cars to use it, and they only place they're going to get them is from us or Japan.

And there's the mandatory, "The U.S. industry is taking over foreign nations!" remark. Yeah, that must have been amusing when people fist thought it up around the time of WWI.

And a stab at GM. I suppose you like your food with extra cockroaches.

And more economic, "India's overtaking us!" stuff. Well, twenty years ago, it was Japan overtaking us. What now? Well, their economy was stagnant for ten years, pretty much like the flow of new ideas into the liberal party. Five years ago, it was the Euro. Nobody's going to overtake us. As soon as India doesn't become a golbal empire, some other nation will be bestowed the crown of "nation that's gonna overtake the U.S." Will it be China? Proabably. Yeah, they're Communist. But people were once predicting the collapse of the U.S. and Soviet economic dominance. One look at Russia today should give you an idea of why such predictions of doom are stupid and unfounded. That's all for now.

Be always aware of where you take your next step.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:52 PM
George Bush's ten point plan.

Blow up Afganistan
Blow up Iraq
Blow up Iran
Blow up North Korea
Blow up China
Blow up Syria
Blow up Saudi Arabia
Blow up Russia
Blow up Canada
Blow up Britain.

There that will stop terrorism...


posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 06:41 PM
11. Institute mandatory psychological testing at the end of the third grade that results in most children being put on lifetime prescriptions of Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, Prozac or other mood enhancing drugs. As per agreements with HMOs and pharmaceutical companies, issue recomendations to continue adding medications like Xanax, Klonapin, BusPar, & Ativan to enhance "drug cocktail" until anxiety levels completely disappear and terror tactics have no impact (other than threats to the happy pill supply--or the much dreaded 'Frowney face alert', which causes mass hysteria and pill hoarding to occur.) Additional benefit of population being completely desensitized and malleable to government suggestions.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 10:18 PM

    Originally posted by Intelearthling
    I don't make the rules! You're just dreaming if you think you can get into Heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior! I pity your soul!

    How can i accept someone as my Savior if he couldn't save him self! How can i accept someone who 'sacrificed' him self for a sin he didn't commit! how can i accept him as a lord when he can't forgive/punish the original sinful! how can i accept him as a lord when he dies as a human!

    My lord is immortal he created death as he created life, he forgive and he punish, he doesn't punish me for a sin others committed, no one shares his might nor his glory, he is one and one he is, i believe in him as i believed in his messengers Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and many others before them. . .

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by fanoose
How can i accept someone as my Savior if he couldn't save him self! How can i accept someone who 'sacrificed' him self for a sin he didn't commit! how can i accept him as a lord when he can't forgive/punish the original sinful! how can i accept him as a lord when he dies as a human!

You're forgetting something fanoose. It was His mission to come here and die for all mankind. Those who reject Him put themselves in grave danger of Eternal banishment from the Kingdom of Heaven. There are many members here that will argue that He is not the Savior of mankind. That those who believe is just wasting their time.

He put Himself on the cross to die for me and you. Not only that, He died for the whole world's sin's. If I were the only person to ever to commit any sin, then He would have died for me, just so I wouldn't be lost forever.

Many will reject this as ridiculous. I say it's not. Belief in Him, gives me hope that He'll come back someday and the world will be without sin for 1000 years. See, He died and He was resurrected and He ascended unto the Father in Heaven, where He awaits the day, when He'll return.

See fanoose, Jesus Christ is not dead. He is alive and glorified as His Father is.

I care for you, fanoose, even though I don't know you and despite what I may have said in this thread or other threads. I care for you and everyone else who is lost.

I am a soldier in His Army. And the day will come, that a commandment shall be given, and I shall obey. You and others may think this is "crazy" talk, but I will still wait.

I am not sorry for going off topic for your sake, fanoose.

Mods, I know that this is way off topic, but I felt like I had to go there for fanoose's sake.

[edit on 1/10/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
So, what should we do if we're so poor? Send our paychecks to Iraq? But according to you, we aren't. You'd be surprised how much we're getting done. You don't like it? Then go over there and do it yourself, if you think you can do a better job.

Uh dude, we are already sending our paychecks over there, or do you think war is free? We are getting alot done over there? Horse Poop, there are places there that haven't had power or clean water since we gave them a fine democratic bombing and invasion. Have you read the statistics in regards to how much of the money appropriated to fund reconstruction has actually been spent? I have, uh no, we aren't doing crap over there but iradiating the land with Depleted Uranium. That's some fine democracy we layed on em, ain't it?

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
As for everybody owning a gun, what are we supposed to do? We can't regulate everything. Don't you think that there's the off chance that somebody's going to find one of the millions of weapons the Russians sent over there? Things take time. We have instant coffee, instant entertainment, and now, instant war.

Whew, not to mentiont he chemical weapons we sold them in the 80's to gas Iranians with (while we sold arms to the Iranians to kill Iraqi's with). If they are so armed, then what the hell were UN inspectors doing there for 12 years? If they were so armed, why did the US estimate over 80% of their military capability was destroyed in Gulf Joke er War 1? Instant War, we also now have instant propaganda.

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
And hijacking. Airplanes are pretty fancy to people who own camels instead of cars. Plus, it's their fault anyway. Maybe airlines would be able to have better airplanes if Arabs didn't insist on boycotting the "Great Satan."

Boycotting? oh you mean the opressive 12 years of economic sanctions that wouldn't allow them to import even basic medical supplies? Yeah it's their faults, they need a Mcdonalds and Western Culture to be worthy of World Trade. Airplanes are pretty fancy to people who fly them, most Camel Owners probably don't give a rats *ss about our obsession with materialism.

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
And there's the inevitable job situation. It's actually improved since Bush took office, and there are more jobs. But you're right about one thing. People have more free time. Now that they aren't sending 60% of their money to the government.

Where did you pull that statistic from? I bet I know cause it stinks. More jobs, less taxes? Since when, I must have missed that one. Of course i don't work for Enron or Halliburton either. You should really get your facts from somewhere other than Re-Elect Bushism.sht Last I heard a gallon of gas was 2.00+ and a gallon of milk is right around 4.00, yeah we are in good shape.

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
Oh, and about the land of indulgence comment: we can't get any worse than them. They may have oil, but they have to have cars to use it, and they only place they're going to get them is from us or Japan.

There you said it, they have oil. We have bombs. You seem to live under the illusion that they sit over there and burn with envy over our super rich economy. They call us the great satan, but if you were a fundamental religous person and you sat through an hour or two of our typical primetime television, you might see a little evil in it yourself.

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
And there's the mandatory, "The U.S. industry is taking over foreign nations!" remark. Yeah, that must have been amusing when people fist thought it up around the time of WWI.

No it wasn't funny then, and it sure ain't funny now. War is nothing like funny, especially when it is based on deception or greed. There hasn't been an 'honest war' in the US since perhaps the mid 1800's.

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
And a stab at GM. I suppose you like your food with extra cockroaches.

Wow another GOP supporter making a personal attack rather than addressing the issue.

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
And more economic, "India's overtaking us!" stuff. Well, twenty years ago, it was Japan overtaking us. What now? Well, their economy was stagnant for ten years, pretty much like the flow of new ideas into the liberal party. Five years ago, it was the Euro. Nobody's going to overtake us. As soon as India doesn't become a golbal empire, some other nation will be bestowed the crown of "nation that's gonna overtake the U.S." Will it be China? Proabably. Yeah, they're Communist. But people were once predicting the collapse of the U.S. and Soviet economic dominance. One look at Russia today should give you an idea of why such predictions of doom are stupid and unfounded.

You my friend are a deluded Nationalist. I would be curious to see how your support of US foreign policies come into play when they come drag your kids off to go fight a war against a noun in say Syria. Might makes right don't it? Pretty twisted bro. Equally disturbing is the fact that you buy into the two party illusion, bashing liberals... There is only one political party in this country, the capitalists. I hope your not a cop as your ID suggests, blind nationalism and law enforcement don't make for good objective police work, that's why people are getting arrested for wearing anti-bush tee shirts.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 07:47 AM

    Originally posted by Intelearthling
    You're forgetting something fanoose. It was His mission to come here and die for all mankind. Those who reject Him put themselves in grave danger of Eternal banishment from the Kingdom of Heaven. There are many members here that will argue that He is not the Savior of mankind. That those who believe is just wasting their time.

    Punishing one person for the actions of another is immoral and is like saying that God is so and isn't forgiving. Even judging Adam and Eve when they didn't know the difference between good and evil, when they didn't know it was wrong to disobey and couldn't understand that the Satan tricked them, is also immoral. Also if a God is omnipotent and benevolent, all-powerful and all-good, then he is perfectly able to save/forgive people whether or not they have sinned.

    "I keep my promise for thousands of generations and forgive evil and sin; but I will not fail to punish children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation for the sins of their parents." [ Exodus 34:7 ]

    Originally posted by Intelearthling
    He put Himself on the cross to die for me and you. Not only that, He died for the whole world's sin's. If I were the only person to ever to commit any sin, then He would have died for me, just so I wouldn't be lost forever.

    • "The fathers shall not be put to death for the chil- dren, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." [ DEU 24:16 ]
    • "The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father" [ Ezek 18:20: ]
    • "For every man shall bear his own burden" [ GAL 6:5 ]

    If this's the case its clear that i don't hold the sin of others including the orginal sin), it means i was born pure and clean (Islam at least says so) for this he put himself on the cross (if he really was killed) didn't do me any good because i can't be judge for sin i didn't commit, the bible says so.

    Originally posted by Intelearthling
    Many will reject this as ridiculous. I say it's not. Belief in Him, gives me hope that He'll come back someday and the world will be without sin for 1000 years. See, He died and He was resurrected and He ascended unto the Father in Heaven, where He awaits the day, when He'll return.

    He'll return, i believe in that too like any muslim. But this's not the point i'm talking about, i'm talking about accepting him as a lord/god as son of god. How can i be sure when the Bible contains lots of Contradictions, therefore itsn't correct and can't answer it self, how can accept that when Islam gave me a clear image of him, something i can understand clearly with my mind and my heart not just my heart. Anyway here's some of the Biblical Contradictions to aid my claim:

    • Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. [ISA 14:21]
    • The fathers shall not be put to death for the chil- dren, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. [DEU 24:16]

    • And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Isreal and Judah.[II SAMUEL 24:]
    • And SATAN stood up against Isreal, and provoked David to number Israel. [I CHRONICLES 21:]

      God CAN be seen:
    • "And I will take away my hand, and thou shalt see my backparts." [Ex. 33:23]
    • "And the Lord spake to Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend." [Ex. 33:11]
    • "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." [Gen. 32:30]

      God CANNOT be seen:
    • "No man hath seen God at any time." [John 1:18]
    • "And he said, Thou canst not see my face; for there shall no man see me and live." [Ex. 33:20]
    • "Whom no man hath seen nor can see." [1 Tim. 6:16]

    • "And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." [2 Kings 2:11]
    • "No man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven, ..." [John 3:13]

    • Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. [GAL 6:2]
    • For every man shall bear his own burden. [GAL 6:5]

    • Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. [PRO 26:4]
    • Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. [PRO 26:5]

    • Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death. [SA2 6:23]
    • and the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul... [SA2 21:8 ]

      Islam portrays a better picture of Jesus And his Mother
    • "We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (Quran 2:87)
    • "...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (Quran 4:171)
    • "...And in their foot steps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (Quran 5:46)
    • "And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (Quran 6:85)

      Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five places in the Holy Quran, he is also addressed with respect as: Ibn Maryam, meaning "The son of Mary"; and as the Maseeh (in Hebrew it is the Messiah), which is translated as "Christ". He is also known as Abdullah, "The servant of Allah"; and as Rasul u Allah, the messenger of Allah.

      Mary Honored
      The birth of Jesus Christ is described in two places of the Quran - chapter 3 and chapter 19. Reading from the beginning of his birth, we come across the story of Mary, and the esteemed position which she occupies in the House of Islam, before the actual annunciation of the birth of Jesus is given:
    • "'Behold'! the angels said: 'O Mary! God hath chosen thee and purified thee, and chosen thee above the women of all nations" (Quran 3:42)
    • "Chosen thee above the women of all nations." Such an honor is not to be found given to Mary even in the Christian Bible! The verse continues:
    • "O Mary! Worship thy Lord devoutly: prostrate thyself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down." (Quran 3:43)

    Originally posted by Intelearthling
    I am not sorry for going off topic for your sake, fanoose.

    Ever notice we usually tend to screw taibunsuu's posts every time. . .

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 07:53 AM
Why is this tripe in the War on Terrorism section and not in The Pit?

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