It's quite the fathomable subject to discuss without any valuable truth.Some religions base their faith on it and some skeptical minds are unsure.I
myself have had flash backs in dreams multiple times occurring within the same realm.Hope that made sense.Anyways,If there is such a transformation
after death and you get to choose what your next life would be,what would you decide?....I would like to come back as potent viral bacteria only
attracted to elite scumbags....or a cat,so all I have to do is eat, poop and sleep....go figure
edit on 4-5-2012 by
SarnholeOntarable because: (no reason given)
You might want to slam a comma in between 'eat' and 'poop', unless you do actually want to eat poop.
But, for me, I've always said that I'd like to come back as a cat next time around, given the choice. Somehow though, I don't think that choice is
a factor, if such a function exists.
Now you see, ideally, I'd choose a tiger, Siberian obviously (I don't like the heat, Bengal just wouldn't be me), suits my personality down to the
ground, but the thing with wild animals is that there is always the risk that you could find yourself in a zoo, and for a tiger, that would be
pergatory no matter how big the enclosure. Which is why a good old domestic moggy is my preference, far more guarentee of physical
freedom...although, if I got an owner of the ilk of Barbara Cartland or similar, I may be inclined to throw myself under the wheels of the Bentley at
the first opportunity.
Penguins are less endangered I suppose, so less risk of finding yourself in a not a bad choice.
And they'll bite your head off if you get too close
I've always sort of thought, that someone who achieved great spiritual enlightenment, or became fully realised intellectually, might be reincarnated
as a whale. I can't imagine what it would be like to have that kind of brain capacity and yet spend up to 200 years swimming around in nothingness.
BUT if you had spent your life thinking unfathomable things, it might be quite nice just to be able to give yourself over to that kind of life, be a
brain without the distractions that land based existence presents to you.
Think about it this way. If you get to choose what kind of life you have each time you reincarnate why did any of us choose the lives we have now?
If we really get to choose every time why not be billionaire or famous athlete or actor each life and enjoy all the benefits.
I really don't know the answer but it is my opinion that we choose to have certain experiences in each lifetime to help us towards the goal of
ultimate enlightenment.
Well at least people on this topic have so far used Lower Lifeforms as their vessals to come back to.
I always find it laughable that when some people talk of being Reincarnated...they describe past lives where they were some Egyptian Queen or King of
Persia or the like.
Very seldom do they say...In a past life I was a ditch digger or I was a Prostitute. LOL!
Split Infinity
Hard one. Maybe a tree, an elm, 'cause trees are so sentient....
But possibly a wolf, for they are deeply spiritual and I love their pack dynamics. A beautiful society.
.... Or maybe a cat, because they're so intelligent and they get pats all the time. ^.^ Also, they have the largest pineal gland of any animal on the
planet.... Sounds awesome to me.