We think too much these days, and feel far too little.
Are you kidding? WHO thinks in these days? People can't even spell or type coherent english - let alone think!
Are you on a different planet or a moon base or something? Because people on Terra sure don't think AT ALL. They are automatons, just droning away
without any real thought processes. Whenever they use their brains, it's never for actual thinking, it's always for automated, pre-programmed
patterns, like "what to eat today" or "does this dress go with my new handbag".
And you think "we" (whoever "we" may be - perhaps my mistake was jumping to a conclusion without realizing you might mean a very closed circle
with "we") think.. TOO MUCH?
There's no such thing as thinking too much. How else do you think insights, inspiration, realizations, understanding, comprehension and perspectives
are born?
Feel too little? Are you kidding again? There's a whole INDUSTRY dedicated to making you "feel". Emotions this, believe that, and always some kind
of sappy romance story in every movie and story. As if there couldn't be stories without women, or stories that are not at least partially AIMED at
women. As if there couldn't be stories without romance altogether... it's always injected to every friggin' story.
Women WORSHIP their emotions, and the constant dogma and preached phrase of today's world is: "Listen to your heart".
How many times have you heard this? I bet it's more than 100 times in your lifetime. And you think "we" (again, not knowing who you mean by 'we'
here, I might be completely off) feel TOO LITTLE??
Are you KIDDING? Seriously, man.. what's wrong with your perception?
More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.
No. Those things are not the opposite of 'cleverness'. You can be kind and clever at the same time, and what does GENTLENESS have anything to do
with anything? You don't need gentleness, unless you are performing a surgery or healing someone in other ways (or perhaps in intimate relationships,
but even there, you don't use it all the time).
Why would anyone NEED gentleness? What do you mean by gentleness anyway? You just state it like it's some kind of fact, but really - what sort of
situations are you talking about here? How do you build a building with gentleness? How does gentleness help in astronomy? Even when you meditate,
gentleness doesn't enter into it. You don't NEED IT! (or, if you disagree, please give me at least some clarification of the term and a list of
situations that you are talking about, then I might change my mind - because now I have no idea what you really even mean)
Kindness - well, that goes without saying. We should always be kind to each other, and the non-beast animals (meat-eating animals somehow seem like
some kind of monsters who don't deserve kindness, because they sure don't show it to other animals, eating their FLESH - dogs could be an exception,
because they don't need meat to survive, but cats seem to -- then again, by nature, dogs are carnivorous BEASTS, who would kill without mercy,
slaughter another animal (or human), if it had the opportunity and inclination, without feeling bad about it whatsoever - and it would enjoy every
moment of it - it would rip the raw flesh off the body, lust for it, drink the blood and satisfied, lick it's lips - that's what beasts do). But
what does that have to do with cleverness? Why can't you be clever AND kind? You could be kind in a clever way, you know.
I think what you are trying to say (at least possibly) is that instead of 'witty sarcasm', we need 'actual wisdom'. It's much harder, but also
much more fruitful than simply laughing at the unknown, and using insults and sarcasm in a 'witty' way.
Nothing wrong with cleverness, but the lack of WISDOM .. that's the key here. Gentleness doesn't enter into it - was Jesus 'gentle', when he
stormed the temple and yelled at the money changers, turning their tables over? Gentleness is a slippery slope to being 'gentleman', which is a form
of misandry.
It is also a slippery slope to "politeness", which is a form of lying.
Do you really advocate people becoming misandristic liars instead of clever and honest equalitarians?
Without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost.
As I already proved, that's completely wrong. Someone being clever doesn't necessarily make them violent! All will not be lost just because people
aren't "gentle" (whatever you mean by that)! Get a grip, man! Think for yourself, and stop "feeling" so much. Emotion-worshipping is not the
solution, it's the problem!
Life can't be violent - it's PEOPLE that are violent. And they are not violent just because qualities are MISSING - they are violent because of the
qualities that EXIST, like "meanness", "stupidity", "violent nature", etc. Perhaps being bullied as kids, environment - but mostly their
primitive, barbaric soul that says violence = ok.