posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:27 AM
Their, there and they're are my pet peeves right now. Don't know why exactly.
You have to remember though that there are people from all over the world here, and English is the hardest language in the world to learn. That, and
you have so many young people who are used to texting all the time and we all know that works. So some people just aren't used to using proper
American English all the time. That, and some people just don't see the point is being grammatically correct as long as they're getting their point
across. They fail to realize that they can get their point across better if they are grammatically correct. People will take them more seriously.
The fact that I make extra money doing this ( not here though) makes me need to constantly step back and not critique people so hard. People aren't
on my level when it comes to this and I have to remember not to be anal about it.
Yes, after all these years I still have to work sometimes at NOT being an a**hole. If anything, it's not very professional.
I am getting better though.