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Beyond coincidence?

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:45 PM
There's a lot of videos and threads suggesting 9/11 was implanted into the sub conscious mind of the masses in the years leading up to 9/11.

It is my belief that the collective mind can create reality. The Law of Attraction as it were. Hence 9/11 was implanted into our thoughts, not even known at a conscious level, and this helped make it possible in reality. I have no proof of that but whether you believe that or not, these two videos show 100% that 9/11 was known and planned and implanted into our minds before it happened.

The Tenth Kingdom intro from 2000-

When the giant steps over the bridge, the twin towers sink- almost exactly how they sank into their footprint in the real world just a year later.

In slow motion-

Seriously, you can say certain videos are coincidence- when a date shows September 11th, could be coincidence. When the actor looks at his wacth and it shows 9 and 11, perhaps coincidence. But how can the above be coincidence- it is 100% deliberately put into the video, so what else can it be other than putting the idea into our minds subconsciously?

Another TV series, this one from 1999 called Harsh Realm-

The Harsh Realm part starts at about 1 minute in, to quote this, and bear in mind this from 1999-

"New York City, Ground zero, oh really, ever heard of tonnes of collapsing steel?..."

The camera then goes to an image of the WTC in ruins.

Bear in mind Harsh Realm was by the same Chris Carter that brought out the Lone Gunman, which only had a run of 13 episodes, the pilot airing in March 2001. Harsh Realm was also cancelled early after 9 episodes. Seems they had served their purpose of putting the ideas of 9/11 'out there' as it were.

Few quotes-

"Yeah, wound up in some government think tank's...war game scenarios...airline terrorism?'s no longer a game...depends who your 'terrorists' are...the men who conceived the idea in the first're saying our government wants to carry out a terrorist attack against a domestic airline...THERE YOU GO...the Cold War's over...the arm's market is flat...but you bring down a Boeing in New York City and you'll find dozens of dictators all over the world clambering to take 'responsibility', just begging to be smart bombed...this is about increasing arms sales?...."

Talking about where the plane is programmed to head- "World Trade Center...they're going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center..." This is March 2001 people.

Can you seriously believe that two Chris Carter shows where aired from 1999 to 2001 that talked of- GROUND ZERO, TONNES OF COLLAPSING METAL, WAR GAME SCENARIOS, TERRORIST ATTACKS USING DOMESTIC AIRLINES INTO THE WTC, WITH DICTATORS BEGGING TO BE SMART BOMBED..." This is beyond coincidence people.

This is well beyond coincidence.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:53 PM
I like the correlation. Yeah, Wicca and other forms of magicked use energy and conciousness to manifest what they want, the focus on what they want, and devote time and energy to making it happen. We have had a lot of time, and lots of conscious minds that could be manipulated. I agree that consciousness makes up everything, even the screen in front of you is all in your head, our head just does the reading of the code for us. As for 9/11, yeah, I remember in the Simpson I saw 9/11 stuff like the new York magazine, and the things you posted, theres the plants in the consciousness over time.

2012 could well happen because we have the knowledge it might happen, it just depends on how our consciousness plays to the planets consciousness, to the solar systems, to the galaxy, to the universes concious, to what ever the universe makes up. That's how manifesting works. Command through consciousness
edit on 2-5-2012 by Mythfury because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

There's a lot of videos and threads suggesting 9/11 was implanted into the sub conscious mind of the masses in the years leading up to 9/11.

Yes and a lot of those videos came from the evening news. We didn't need any sub conscious or unconscious suggestion to believe that there are people that will use terrorism and murder to achieve their goals. It is a part of the fabric of reality. Peoplpe have been using terrorism for decades.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I think the simplest explanations are usually the most logical. Did you ever consider the possibility that Bin Laden and the rest of his gang liked to watch TV? Maybe one or two of them happened to be fans of Chris Carter's shows and got some ideas after watching the episodes. It would be a lost easier to believe that a terrorist got an idea from watching TV then it would be to believe that a bunch of producers and directors had some sort of secret knowledge about a terrorist plot to kill thousands of innocent citizens and did nothing to stop it.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by brackforce
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I think the simplest explanations are usually the most logical. Did you ever consider the possibility that Bin Laden and the rest of his gang liked to watch TV? Maybe one or two of them happened to be fans of Chris Carter's shows and got some ideas after watching the episodes. It would be a lost easier to believe that a terrorist got an idea from watching TV then it would be to believe that a bunch of producers and directors had some sort of secret knowledge about a terrorist plot to kill thousands of innocent citizens and did nothing to stop it.

The tenth kingdom video clip is subliminal.

If you weren't looking for it, you would not pick it up consciously.

Subconsciously, your observation and intake is of everything you see, hence it is implanted on a very deep level.

You don't consciously think about it, it is something else entirely.

So you think Bin Laden was sitting in his cave watching the Lone Gunmen and thought "hey that's a good idea to make an attack against the Americans...". Hey, maybe he was watching it when he was being treated in July 2001 in a US hospital?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by brackforce

Considering the Al-queada used to be our little group within another nation. They were defending the middle east from the Prussians invading. CIA made al-queada. Now with that being said. If you had one chance to hit the person you disliked the most, and wanted everyone else to know you did it, would you hit them in the knee(railroad, ports, things that will rebuild) or hit them where it hurts. The inside. We taught al-queada guys! If we were released to defend our country, we would act JUST like them. Oh wait we do, we burn holy books of theirs, steal their land and resources, and expect them not to hate us. Then we lie about it?? Like elementary school all over again. The "wrong" was justified, like Abraham killing his son. I think OBL could have been the descendent of Abrahams soul, set out to fulfill his souls purpose. Abraham was killed by authorities of another country, right?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Oh God...not the Le Figaro BS again...... Bin Laden was never in the hospital in Dubai as was alleged in that article. It was planted in the French press about the time we started rolling towards war.....and upsetting a bunch of French companies.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by brackforce
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I think the simplest explanations are usually the most logical. Did you ever consider the possibility that Bin Laden and the rest of his gang liked to watch TV? Maybe one or two of them happened to be fans of Chris Carter's shows and got some ideas after watching the episodes. It would be a lost easier to believe that a terrorist got an idea from watching TV then it would be to believe that a bunch of producers and directors had some sort of secret knowledge about a terrorist plot to kill thousands of innocent citizens and did nothing to stop it.

I want to ask you a question if that is OK?

I appreciate all opinions, so you say the terrorists got their ideas from the TV?

So taking that point, can you give YOUR opinion on the Tenth Kingdom video? The giant steps over the bridge and as he puts his foot down the twin towers sink. Very much like they did on 9/11. So that is 100% fact.

Now given your POV, can you explain why this detail was put into the TV series in the first place?

What purpose did that serve? I can take your point that the terrorists may have seen it and got their idea from it- but why was the WTC sinking in the video there? What is your opinion of that?

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by brackforce

Yep....They saw the episode of the Lone Gunman in the Spring/early Summer of 2001. Then magically went back into time, and orchestrated this entire event.
Since the 'alleged' hijackers were ALREADY supposedly in this country and have already or were in the process of taking aviation lessons when the episode aired.

I know the gov't and the 7 psuedonames on here want us to believe that magic happened that day....isn't pitching the time travel thing a little to outlandish?

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