posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:54 PM
Originally posted by prophetboy12
God created the universe in which he lives. He created us so we could share the universe. Man is supposed to a manifestation of god in the
Religion is simple different paths to understand God.
Originally posted by prophetboy12
There should not be a difference in religion and spirituality. They should go hand in hand. One should use their religion to reach a point of
understanding their spirituality. True or False
Religion that is dogmatized and tries to restrict expression or experience is denying the hand of spirituality. Spirituality which doesn't acknowledge
the effectiveness of group ritual is cutting off the hand of religion.
I agree they can go hand in hand, but when they do... they will just be "life" and won't need any additional words to describe them. Much like we
don't have a special name for the "rules" and "spirit" of Family Life... it's just your Family Life (dysfunctional or not, heh).
Right now we have the religions of politics, economics, science, and faith... and then we have a re-emerging spirituality that is integrating current
experiences of politics, economics, science, and faith (faith being the awareness you don't know everything, but still keep walking forward into the
edit on 2012/5/2 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)