posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 08:37 PM
i tottaly agree with you man. too many people just dont care, what with all the good stuff to watch on TV, and all the cool things to do on the
internet. i think being lazy plays a big part too, it takes an awful lot of effort to go out and change things, but you know as well as i do americans
are laziest bunch of people in the world. when ever i insist on walking somewhere, cuz ya know the stores are right down the street, people always
think im crazy that i dont want to drive. peoples hearts and minds have the same problem. when you have a special box that thinks and feels for you
why bother sorting out your own emotions. i rack my brain all day long as to what would be a sufficient solution to our problems, and i feel crazy cuz
im the only one who thinks there is a problem at all. right now the best thing we can do for ourselves is educate ourselfs, not about commercial and
material subject matter. more about the ins and outs of the system and governent policies so intriquetly intwined with our daily lives. is this making
any sense?!