posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:05 AM
MFW this thread made me sad.
Well, as it's a continuation from a recent thread that was directed here, I'll bump. In my opinion this is cgi. The effect would be simple to achieve
with something like adobe after effects. You can illuminate and shadow whatever you want with it. And a general shape with a glow effect or any of the
illumination effects is not hard.
It could have even been done in photoshop if someone wanted to bother.
So is it? Can't say for sure. I can only go by my gut instinct, and this is pure cgi.
As for the moth idea, no, I doubt it is a moth. However the video Gortex posted looked more like a spider dropping down and spinning a web, not flying
as a moth. So I would put money on that being a simple small spider, illuminated by the fact it's close to the lense, possibly backlit by a light
source behind the camera, and with the time lapse it loses the natural insect motion.
I've seen other videos of strange things caught on cctv in carparks that are far more mysterious. I'll continue to take this grain of salt for ones
like this however.
edit on 25-5-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)