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Girl gamers, a discussion of...

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:07 AM
I write for a gaming blog (see sig) and am currently planning a blog post about girls who game.
I know, it's been done before, but rather than solely jumping on the feminist bandwagon of "GAMES OBJECTIFY WOMEN!" or "GRRRL gaming power" I want to take it in a different direction. So I have a few questions for mainly male gamers. Other ladies, you're welcome to join in too.

I ask that you not draw influence from girls you already know who game, or girls you game with, but just give me your honest answers. Also, please read all the questions before answering.

1: What are your overall impressions of women who play games?
2: What do you expect from a girl who plays games? IE: What games do you expect them to play. What games would you not expect them to play?
3: Has your impression of female gamers been built up by pictures of hot/unattractive women posing with various gaming related things?
4: Can you think of any clichés or stereotypes regarding girl gamers? Why do you think there are these clichés or stereotypes?
5: Is there anything you like, or dislike about girls who game?
6: Does a girl gamers ability to play well or badly depend on how you would treat them? IE: If you are continually killed by a gamer with the name "Cutiepuff69" with a consistently high kill count, would you be impressed that a girl can play well, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? Alternatively, if she was constantly letting your team down, would you just roll your eyes because she is a girl, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? lol
7: Anything else you want to add...

I would really appreciate input, as I've got a plan for what I'm writing, but rather than a well thought out post becoming a one woman rant, I want to include some views and opinions. I won't say who you are, or where the opinions came from.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:18 AM

1: What are your overall impressions of women who play games?

I do not see a problem. the more the merrier. women are people.

2: What do you expect from a girl who plays games? IE: What games do you expect them to play. What games would you not expect them to play?

war games perhaps? but really that's one of the external induced stereotypes.

3: Has your impression of female gamers been built up by pictures of hot/unattractive women posing with various gaming related things?

I've tried to not let it of course but yes i'd say the girl in glasses playing comes to mind.
all in all it's not something I think about much anymore. i've moved beyond judgements like these.

4: Can you think of any clichés or stereotypes regarding girl gamers?
Why do you think there are these clichés or stereotypes?

they aren't as good as their male counterparts?

5: Is there anything you like, or dislike about girls who game?

I like that they like to game.

6: Does a girl gamers ability to play well or badly depend on how you would treat them? IE: If you are continually killed by a gamer with the name "Cutiepuff69" with a consistently high kill count, would you be impressed that a girl can play well, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? Alternatively, if she was constantly letting your team down, would you just roll your eyes because she is a girl, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? lol

I would question her intelligence based on her choice of name like I suppose I do with anyone.
if she sucks, she sucks.
sucking because she is a girl is irrelevent.
if shes good, shes good and her being a girl is still irrelevent.

7: Anything else you want to add...

these types of discussions cause a division I believe.
girl or guy, there doesn't need to be that unnecessary division within most contexts, ignore people who cling to stereotypes.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:29 AM
only time anyone cares that a girl is playing a video is when they are losing, and those are usually the call of duty kids.

i love it when my fiance beat me in a game. at least til she bitches at me for supposedly letting her win.

ive noticed most girls enjoy RPGs or anything thick with story. they also love FPS games ive noticed such as halo or nazi zombie.

sadly i dont think many girls play battlefield 3.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:39 AM
1: Many of them are normal human beings, but a large portion, possibly even majority, are just batsh#t crazy.
2: A pretty wide variety, but for the most part RPG/Adventure games.
3: No
4: Whores with controllers, i.e. girls who put gaming peripherals in their mouths and pretend they are playing games.
5: Not particularly, unless they fit into the above slot
6: Yes, but only because I enjoy telling people who are bad at games exactly why they should stop touching the xbox controller
7: I manage to break out of the perception that 'girl gamers' are different than others due to having a high proportion of girl friends that play video games...the only thing that bothers me are the fake ones, i.e. see 4.


- H

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:56 AM
Ew Ew ew ew ew GERMS!!!!!!

No, I know a few females who play cod4. (thats all I play tbh, not much of a gamer) and they range from 14 years old to over 50.

And the only time I've ever had an issue with females playing is when the retarded little boys who cant handle it, start trash talking and being pathetic about it.

But having admin powers, they don't last long.

Oh and this... this - if I had to have an ideal girl gamer - is her...


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:08 AM
I play with a few girls on ps3, they are pretty good.
Girls love gaming as much as us boys

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 04:14 AM
How very refreshing. A couple replies does not a consensus make, but I have to say, I'm rather surprised by the input. Maybe I am seeing this through stereotypes of guy gamers who stereotype girl gamers.

I suppose I should divulge that I am a female human. I do not have glasses. I might be a nerd, but I don't look like one. I would probably be the last "likely gamer" to be picked out of a crowd. I have caused many rifts in relationships for becoming more absorbed in games than my male counterparts.

In an ideal world, yes; we are all humans and species differentiation should be as divisive as it gets (i.e. I would feel it proper and justified to state that it is... unnatural for my cat to be a hardcore gamer).

Types of games? I have yet to involve myself in the culture of online gaming so I can't speak to that. However, this is my world: anything from the old school missle command, asteroid, or pitfall...street fighter... to the newer school of assassin's creed, zelda, borderlands, mad world, splinter cell, grand theft auto, and the creme de la creme... mass effect. And much much more. So I can definitely jive with the idea that females may be more into the adventure/rpg style of game. I am pretty competitive if I am playing with someone else.

I must say that I sometimes feel a bit... alienated in the gaming realm because understandably the target audience are male and therefore games are modeled for such... which means lots of boobies (can I say that on ATS?). But being a human that actually owns a pair, I can't get past thinking what a pain in the ass it would be to do battle with those things in the way (in high heels and with scant clothing, mind you). I know, I know. There should be some suspension of disbelief and exaggerated physiques are part of it. It's so outrageous sometimes, however, that it's distracting (and not in a good way). I'm not seeing the male characters running around with big ol packages getting in the way. So. No real gripe. Just an observation.

I will be interested to read more input and kudos for this thread!

edit on 5/2/2012 by HolographicPrincipal because: correction

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:38 AM
Some replies I generally expected. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

The reason I asked, was last night, I was playing online with a friend, and some guy waltzes into the server city we were in and starts asking for help on certain quests. Checking his profile out, he was just starting out, but we were just prepping to leave on our own quest (we were a higher rank, so he couldn't have joined us any way).
After politely explaining that we were just leaving, but would help him once we returned if he wouldn't mind waiting 15 minutes, he starts throwing insults at me, calling me a c***, saying things about my mother lol and generally making the assumption I was male.
When I put him right, he didn't believe me, saying that "girls don't play these kinds of games", so I just said, "I beg to differ, but I'm an almost 26 year old woman, I play these kinds of games."
He then started spouting off at me, wanting me to justify myself for enjoying this particular game, and prove that I was in fact a girl, so I sent him to my blog.
He backed down like his life depended on it.

I find it really frustrating that I'm frequently being called to justify myself and defend my hobby, after 21 years of gaming. I got my first console at 5 years old, gaming is part of me, as much as my feet are!

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by HolographicPrincipal

I must say that I sometimes feel a bit... alienated in the gaming realm because understandably the target audience are male and therefore games are modeled for such... which means lots of boobies (can I say that on ATS?). But being a human that actually owns a pair, I can't get past thinking what a pain in the ass it would be to do battle with those things in the way (in high heels and with scant clothing, mind you). I know, I know. There should be some suspension of disbelief and exaggerated physiques are part of it. It's so outrageous sometimes, however, that it's distracting (and not in a good way). I'm not seeing the male characters running around with big ol packages getting in the way. So. No real gripe. Just an observation.

edit on 5/2/2012 by HolographicPrincipal because: correction

This made me smile, because there have been times I thought the same "How can she be pulling of these moves, she'd have face planted from her massive bazongas by now!"
But I think catering for both sexes in a game is sometimes quite subtle. Using Dragon Age Origins and DA2 as examples, I think Morrigan is the male eye candy, revealing clothing, a snappy, witty personality, something that usually has men melting from the pants. Alistair and Fenris are both reasonably good looking as far as pixels go, but their characters dialogue appeal to the female gamers needs, sensitive yet strong, needy yet independent .
When I think of Gabriel in Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, he caters to what I find physically attractive, yet nothing about him could ever tug at my heart strings the way that Alistair did.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 07:30 AM
I used to game a lot with male friends though seldom online, just more fun sitting together having a beer and teasing them for being trounced by a bird. Generally played driving or fighting games back in the day such as Project Gotham racing or Soul Calibur, but as time marched on I'd prefer horror games and mostly still do although I rarely have time to play anything anymore since I can't play anything remotely gory till nipper is in bed and even then I hate for my OH to feel he's playing second fiddle while I concentrate on some game.

I did though play WOW for a good many years, raiding and whatnot. Outside of the guild most people always assumed I was a fella, inside we always had a right laugh talking to each other on vent of an evening partaking in whatever poison each of us had to hand. I don't think I was ever treated exceptionally differently, we all helped each other out. I miss them all a lot, but I imagine most have gone their separate ways and real life, as it does and should has taken them on different paths, a lovely couple in particular who eventually got the baby they'd always wanted. (Everybody say aaaaaah).

As for Xbox live, my son is desperate to get me on it. It seem's to irk him and his friends that good gaming talent isn't being used. I don't know, I think I'm past randomer's throwing stupid insults about over a game. Don't for one second think I'm trying to be grown up about it all though, I just imagine I'd probably end up like this....

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:08 PM
1: What are your overall impressions of women who play games?
It really depends on the type of games they play and their attitude towards it. But ultimately I'm indifferent as far as the gender is concerned. Other than having extra points for being a good girlfriend (thats for the girls I used to be, and will those that I will be with in the future)

But to really break it down, I'll put it this way.

It's nothing special to me if they just play games casually. I've always considered that 'normal' behavior in the first place so that applies to guys as well.

However, if I see a woman play something underground or really interested in digging deeper into playing under appreciated titles like Xenogears, 9 People 9 Doors 9 Hours, and Nier, then that definitely impresses me!

2: What do you expect from a girl who plays games? IE: What games do you expect them to play. What games would you not expect them to play?
Generally I expect them to have played only the casual titles. Anything ranging from Angry Birds, to Skyrim, and even Call of Duty.

I would not expect them to be playing games that do not carry any social value, or titles that dig into deeper concepts. Then again, that's a problem in the guys side as well, as too many games are setting their standards low as far as substance is concerned. There are ton's of titles in the past like Planescape Torment that touch AND really expand on deeper concepts.

I would be impressed if they even heard of such a title.

3: Has your impression of female gamers been built up by pictures of hot/unattractive women posing with various gaming related things?

While I prefer the girl gamer to be attractive, I don't particularly find that sort of thing all THAT amusing. Great to see, but nothing that catches my attention any more than a good looking girl in a great photo.

4: Can you think of any clichés or stereotypes regarding girl gamers? Why do you think there are these clichés or stereotypes?

Not without imitating the audacity of most gaming communities as far as their attitudes towards girl gamers.
To put it lightly, I've heard tons of negative things said as far as multiplayer side of gaming goes. (at least in the console end) Even PMS has their share of disrespect as far as the general console gamer is concerned.

However, PC, forums for single player games, and local tournaments are much more mature in their treatment of female gamers. While it's not something exclusive to this group, you can expect much less of that in the console audience.

If there was any cliches I'm going to mention, it's would be that they are considered to be apathetic about serious titles and that they can't be depended on when it comes to competitive matches. I've had the privilege to work with some extraordinary gamer girls and I can sincerely say that I don't sympathize with the many negative expectations out of girl gamers.

5: Is there anything you like, or dislike about girls who game?

Like- That that their girls and their presence makes casual gaming more interesting
Dislike- They generally generate way too much attention and controversy. Not so much that its because of their fault, but because of how people what to treat them. Not that it can't be their fault.

6: Does a girl gamers ability to play well or badly depend on how you would treat them? IE: If you are continually killed by a gamer with the name "Cutiepuff69" with a consistently high kill count, would you be impressed that a girl can play well, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? Alternatively, if she was constantly letting your team down, would you just roll your eyes because she is a girl, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? lol

It definitely wins my respect and I would treat her with respect as I do with other players. The only time I annihilate someone is when they are disrespectful in the first place. Otherwise, GG.

On a side note, I generally 'recruit' them to play on our side if they are on their own with one other person. I've met some long time friends that way and it's always interesting to see how their play style advances as they switch from casual to competitive thanks to the atmosphere that my 'group' radiates.

7: Anything else you want to add...
If your a girl gamer that plans on really appreciating games, do consider experiencing titles outside of the mainstream market like To the Moon and 9 People 9 Doors 9 Hours. It will only make you a more interesting individual

edit on 2-5-2012 by GambitVII because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

1. I think its certainly not a bad trait, I kinda associate it with hot geeky girls.

2. story driven games or mmos I suppose I'd be somewhat surprised to see them play a shootem up and I'd be shocked to see them play a strategy game.

3. my associations are built more on the girls I've actually met than actually anything else.

4. that they're a myth, not a true stereotype but its the only one I can think of.

5. I think gaming (depending on what they play) is a sign of intelligence and thats one of the traits I respect most in a person.

6. well in all honesty I wouldn't expect a girl to be as good at computer games but that said any girl that did beat me would earn more respect from me than a guy beating me. Also I would be even more determined to raise my game than if a guy beat me.

7. "there are no girls online" is what I always think when doing anything online, I know its is obviously not true but lying about ones gender is one of the more common lies on the internet so if someone said they were a girl online I would take such claims with a large pinch of salt. besides online peoples gender makes no difference we might as well all be androgynous for all the difference it makes.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:22 PM
I'm a woman, I've been a gamer since I got my first sega genesis in the early 90s and have not stopped since. I will always be a gamer and what's usually sad is I'm usually the top player in most games I play like halo, zombies, any kind of shoot & kill or strategy. I get friends requests simply for being me, being awesome, and not talking too much.

PS, if you're on 360 and have cod,mw3, or reach hmu pm.
Its a plus if you've been past round 30 on zombies..

edit on 2-5-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by LightWarrior11

I used to play COD and stuff competitively but then I got really sick about how the mechanics turned out as titles kept being released.

It's good that your topping the charts in multiplayer. It would be nice girl gamers started to kick a little more arse.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:15 PM
As a gamer of the female variety (avoiding calling myself a 'girl gamer' as I personally hate that term) I don't find many objections in games I join.

I've been a massive gaming geek since I was old enough to pick up a controller on my beautiful sega megadrive. Progressed slowly over the years to the xbox360 but I went through the ranks of gameboys, wii's, playstations etc. I play a whole bag of games but generally steer clear from sports, you can find me in a variety of lobbies, anywhere from cod zombies to a straight forward black ops game, left for dead, dead island. I like games that make you think, where logic is key rather then straight forward shoot them all etc etc. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are probably my top two most played games right now. Been a long standing fan of the Resident Evil series (even though five was probably the worst thing I ever set my eyes on. So much dissapointment.)

Also like to hit up the PC for games like Amnesia (yes... I did # my pants and had to stop playing), Minecraft etc etc.

Never found that I've had a lot of abuse. If I do it mainly comes from snotty little American kids who sound like they can't logically form an intelligent sentence together and probably shouldn't even have an account on xboxlive because they all sound about ten and have the maturity of a cucumber sandwich. Worst I've ever got is 'your sister is a whore' which made me laugh considering my sister at the time was six years old. Apart from the odd blip most people seem surprised when I accidently whoop and forget my mics turned on. I think the attitude towards female gamers from men is that we are certainly not as good or better than them but hell, i'm sure a lot of females can agree that we do get a certain taste of satisfaction when we destroy a cod lobby then laugh and admit during the nuke / moab cutscenes that we're female. Usually followed by at least one kid raging so hard you come to the conclusion his head exploded.

Oh, I wouldn't say I look geeky but hell, that could be challenged.
Power to the female gamers!
- Steff

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

To tell the truth I do not even notice or bother noticing if there girls unless they make it plain. But ya there are plenty of females that play video-games and they do tend to be more on the RPG's Or MMO's or online FPS's then most any other genre of games.

And I do not remember ever being outpointed in a video game by a girl, or if I was I did not care or it was probably one of those nights were I was just on autopilot and not really paying attention. But even if it happens I really do not care.

The only thing I noticed is that dudes do stupid stuff sometimes when they find out there playing with girls or against girls, anything from the whole macho thing. To taking it easier on them, to just plain goofing around, to even trying to flirt online with some random person who they think is a girl.

I don't play as much as I used to but its interesting to watch the whole dynamic go through online, pretty much like it goes offline in a real world situation. Only with the anonymity of online people do and say more stupid # thinking they can get away with it, and so it makes for some comedy gold sometimes and for some real rude awakenings other times...Either way you do tend to find out more about people when they think they can get away with things, then if they know that the things they say and do would not cut it if it were a face to face real world scenario.

And in some ways people are more who they really are in the game world then in the real life world were everybody has to play by rules of society and propriety.

And when I used to play online games a lot, I used to play with some really hardcore dudes. And almost every-time they see girls online playing they basically just used to thrash the snip out of them, and even the whole name calling and # talking, that way they would go away.

Mostly because some of the dudes I used to play with took that # way to serious, and counted every-point they scored or did not get, like there life depended on it. And seeing as when girls are around things tend to get more slapstick, disrupting, and also some dudes tend to get real distracted and not all that competitive or focused on the task at hand. They all basically just hounded them away, so then we all can get more focused and back to the real competition without all the distractions.

Me personally I did not care, nor do I care now if there females or not, I'm more on the sidelines just watching the whole thing kind of lol'ing now and then. And like I said I do not even notice most times that I am playing with females unless they make it known that they are females, but if anything I know there are plenty of females of all ages and types playing videogames, and even used to play with a few now and then almost daily back when I did a lot of gaming.

And they all just seemed like basically any other person i would play with or play against. No biggie I suppose unless people make it a big deal. And some people do like to make it a big deal, and ya those people are mostly testosterone fueled teenagers and they are a majority of the whole videogame culture.

So ya big surprise there. Boys will be boys, and Girls will be girls.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Lulzaroonie
I write for a gaming blog (see sig) and am currently planning a blog post about girls who game.
I know, it's been done before, but rather than solely jumping on the feminist bandwagon of "GAMES OBJECTIFY WOMEN!" or "GRRRL gaming power" I want to take it in a different direction. So I have a few questions for mainly male gamers. Other ladies, you're welcome to join in too.

I ask that you not draw influence from girls you already know who game, or girls you game with, but just give me your honest answers. Also, please read all the questions before answering.

1: What are your overall impressions of women who play games?
A relitively untapped market.
2: What do you expect from a girl who plays games? IE: What games do you expect them to play. What games would you not expect them to play?
Games that they can win at. Same as men
3: Has your impression of female gamers been built up by pictures of hot/unattractive women posing with various gaming related things?
no they are underrepresented
4: Can you think of any clichés or stereotypes regarding girl gamers? Why do you think there are these clichés or stereotypes?
That they like simple games only or don't want action games like modern fps and RTS's
5: Is there anything you like, or dislike about girls who game?
They like the same thing I like. Cool!
6: Does a girl gamers ability to play well or badly depend on how you would treat them? IE: If you are continually killed by a gamer with the name "Cutiepuff69" with a consistently high kill count, would you be impressed that a girl can play well, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? Alternatively, if she was constantly letting your team down, would you just roll your eyes because she is a girl, or scream obscenities down the headset at her? lol
No.If they suck then it will make me mad just like any noob.If they are good then...nothing...they are good... Let me guess if you lose to them in a game then you hate them for it
7: Anything else you want to add...

I would really appreciate input, as I've got a plan for what I'm writing, but rather than a well thought out post becoming a one woman rant, I want to include some views and opinions. I won't say who you are, or where the opinions came from.

Women are not marketed to in video games at all. Its really sad.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 03:31 PM
My cousin is now in the next generation of video game designers, and she can out talk any video game geek. Not only is she very artistic and smart, she is stunning.

I myself would become a video game designer but I am out of the age group.

But I think you will see the computer generation turning the tides.

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