Mods, feel free to move the thread, however the topic is metaphysical in a way.
To the topic.
A mans word is his bond
I felt the need to start off this topic with that quote, because this quote means a lot more than you think. I will reveal something I know, but if
you think deeply you may become enlightened on not just one, but many other things that affects us in our every day life. What I am about to say, is
also experimental with yourselves and it may or may not mind-boggle your mind (It depends on how much soul searching you do, and how much you tried to
heal your past). To reach this level to yourselves, one must heal the past and find out hidden meanings behind them. Not only that, you will also
notice patterns through out your mistakes.
Now, remember this quote:
this rule alone, will help you avoid about 80% of your headaches and uncomfortable situations.
Something I found during, my path towards enlightenment, was the topic of contracts. If you noticed, many people in this world are sad and
depressed. They feel shackled, lost and confused. You ask yourself, why is this happening? Why aren't people happy?
Well, if you look at the bigger picture, you will notice people are in debt. Their home is forclosing, people having relationship problems. Girl
ignores boy, because of some unknown reason, boy is depressed or viceversa. Now, if you zoom in , what does all of this have in common?
One word.
What is a contract?
When creating a contract, a negotiator is not only doing so to reach an agreement between two or more parties, but to create an agreement that is
durable; whereby parties of the contract are legally bound and committed to its promises (Wade and Honeyman 2005, 7). A legally binding contract is
defined as an exchange of promises or an agreement between parties that the law will enforce, and there is an underlying presumption for
commercial agreements that parties intend to be legally bound (Contracts 2007).
Why is this important?
Source : read page 76-77
Wait, what is divine law?
Divine Law is that which is enacted by God and made known to man through revelation.
Now before you tell me, "But that is catholics belief". Let me inform you, almost every single religion out there are aware of this law. Meaning, the
powers that be are also aware of this law.
“I am only obligated to contract with your offering, providing its content and intent is in alignment with the Covenant of Love … an existential
divine contract which honors and operates through the golden rule as the law of love in action. By Divine Law, I have an irrefutable divine-right to
refuse contracting with any being, person or persons, philosophy, concept, mental or emotional pursuasion, until he, she or they are willing to offer
loving-kindness, compassion and honesty in their presentment.
Now hold on! Why is this person refusing to make contracts? And if the powers that be know this law and it's consequences on having a man for
a slave. Why are they making slaves?
Well here is the kicker. The reason there are slaves it is because of the slaves fault via ignorance of divine law. And also because of one simple
fact. They are aware that they can't have a man as a slave. But they are also aware that they can do whatever they want, to a person.
Wait, that's confusing. A man (or woman) IS a person!.
No, a man is a man, a woman is a woman. a person is an illusion called "Ego".. Under Divine law, something that doesn't exist or is an illusion or
fiction, does not fall under divine law. The ego, or "identity" is not affected or punishable. However, in this case.
Both master and slave is punished by divine law. But the man does NOT have to comply with obligations if the contract refers a man as "person" instead
of "man". A judge in court will see you as a person not a man.
Where do such contracts exists?
Almost everywhere.
Any jobs you apply to, burger king, office max, or even a secretary falls under. Credit cards, mortgage bills, you name it. The contract made through
these is also a form of witchcraft. It binds a servant to it's master, and because YOU agreed to it. You basically signed away your freedom.
What about relationships? And people who become "possessed"?
Well, this is an entirely different contract from the one made with people who want to enslave you. But before I get into this. Ever wonder back when
you were a kid. You felt safe, secure, and free? That is because you had no contracts binding you except the one with your parents. Naturally, a child
trusts their parents from the moment they are born. So it is partially the parents responsibility to keep the child safe, away from contracts that
would harm the child. In this case, a parents love is what shields the child from harm.
Do you remember what was your very first distress? Ask yourself if you made a contract. Then try and notice the pattern, whether you had
relationship problems, or problems with a friend. Why are most people unhappy inside their relationships?
It is because they made an EMOTIONAL binding contract. In this case, it falls under divine law, a mans word is his bond. During relationships, we tend
to make promises we cant keep so that people can feel better and know they care. Because at the time you made this contract, you were sincere and felt
love. This contract is then ENFORCED.
Wait, enforced? what ? why? how? impossible! we have free will!
No, you have the illusion of free-will. You are not entirely free, because of contracts you make, this causes you to comply with those promises. And
this ends up creating a whole mess. People who stay in abusive relationships are most likely affected by this binding contract.
People who are referred to as "stalker, or obsessive" are also bound to possible contracts. Alot of these cases tend to turn violent because of the
ignorance of one party on divine law. In this case both are punished, through pain or worse. On one side, you have someone who does not want to break
the contract because of pride and ignorance or they are aware of this binding contract and at times, they use this to take advantage of the "nice
(Now you understand why nice guys finish last btw) when you think about those people who hop from relationships to relationships. and are happy the
way they are. It is because they are unattached to the people they are with. They do not make emotional contracts.
Ever seen that cool biker dude, with alot of girls behind him? It is because of this very thing. He lives the "FREE" life in terms of emotional. He
views the world as his playground and would rather not make any commitments.
This brings about also the natural fear of
(Continued in part 2...)
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