posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:58 PM
Honestly, I hear a million different opinions of him all the time... some people support him and promote his activism, and do their own activism as
well, some people call him a fear mongering ass, and some people actually think he's one of the Illumanist bankers himself.
It's true that a lot of conspiracy theorists are fear mongers, because they get off on scaring people with insane ideals, and they twist the
conspiracy theories when they tell people about them to make them sound terrifying (even more so than they already are), But, I don't see Alex being
that way, because when you listen to him live on his radio broadcast, sometimes he goes on rants and gets really serious and angry about certain
things the global elite are trying to pull. He advertises things on his radio show, yes, but he only promotes things he believes in and things he and
his family actually use, and I think that is awesome, because unlike other mainstream commercials, he's not just being used as a celebrity face to
promote the products--he actually USES them.
I feel like he's very passionate about his activism, so I don't believe he's in it just to start drama, monger fear, spread dis-information, and
surely not promote the global elite. I personally support him 100%.
What do you think of him?