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With all the racial issues today - Here is a good story - Former Skinhead Reformed

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:21 AM

Reformed skinhead endures agony to remove tattoos

Duke Tribble, Courtesy of MSNBC and Bill Brummel Productions - This combination of eight photos provided by Bill Brummel Productions shows the progress of tattoo removal treatments for former skinhead Bryon …

A former founder of a skinhead gang, and family man was determined on changing his racist views and the previous lifestyle he embraced. Unfortunately, because he permanently scarred himself with racist tattoos on his face, it wasn't easy to do.

With all the racial animosity as of late, I think this is a great story that is getting out in the MSM, primarily because of who he went to for help, and how he got it done. It shows that people out there are making positive changes for themselves, and not being used and abused by the people who would profit off of a race war.

From the story:

A reformed skinhead, Bryon Widner was desperate to rid himself of the racist tattoos that covered his face — so desperate that he turned to former enemies for help, and was willing to endure months of pain
And yet, the past was ever-present — tattooed in brutish symbols all over his body and face: a blood-soaked razor, swastikas, the letters "HATE" stamped across his knuckles.
Wherever he turned Widner was shunned — on job sites, in stores and restaurants. People saw a menacing thug, not a loving father. He felt like an utter failure.
They had little money and no health insurance.
So Widner began investigating homemade recipes, looking at dermal acids and other solutions. He reached the point, he said, where "I was totally prepared to douse my face in acid."

Essentially what happened next, is the wife called out to a group focused on stopping organizations and gangs that this fellow once helped found. They listened to their pleas and decided to help.

She called a black man who runs an anti-hate group, and from their, he suggested she contact a few different groups, but she found a savior in the South Poverty Law Center.

Roy is chief investigator of hate and extreme groups for the SPLC. The nonprofit civil rights organization, based in Montgomery, Ala., tracks hate groups, militias and extreme organizations.

For his part, Roy promised to ask his organization to do something it had never done before — search for a donor to pay for Widner's tattoos to be surgically removed. Widner didn't hold out much hope. But for now, he agreed not to experiment with acid.

After receiving death threats from people who felt like he turned traitor, soon after the plea for help it came through an anonymous donor that put up the 35,000 for facial surgery to remove the tattoos. The only condition was that the donor remain anonymous.

Visit Yahoo Article Here.

Anyway... Is one of those good stories that comes about every once in awhile. This guy had no chance at changing and leading a normal life without the surgery.

edit on 30-4-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by boncho

i have seen this story somewhere and im happy that he realized that he was spreading that hate to his kids and what a disservice he was doing to them . hopefully this change sticks and he can talk other kids out of the groups

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:30 AM
I would have never have guessed those were racist tattoos. It just looks like a guy and his friends got really drunk, then broke out the tattoo needles. Getting tattoos on your face, I never understood that at all.

Well he is lucky someone helped him out, and good he changed his life philosophies for the better.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
I would have never have guessed those were racist tattoos. It just looks like a guy and his friends got really drunk, then broke out the tattoo needles. Getting tattoos on your face, I never understood that at all.

Well he is lucky someone helped him out, and good he changed his life philosophies for the better.

To be honest, I couldn't see either by the distance of the pictures. However, he may have had more obvious ones before and attempted to cover them so they weren't as noticeable, the article doesn't say. In any case, it isn't easy functioning in normal society with tattoos covering your face, and because he found his own skinhead gang, until those were removed it would be a reminder to him and everyone he deals with, the past he has.

At least now he can go get a job or meet people without explaining his, or having to justify the tattoos.


posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:10 AM
Nice story there, good to see he gets a fresh start, not all are so lucky.

I wonder who the donor is and why they want to remain annonymous?


posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by CX
Nice story there, good to see he gets a fresh start, not all are so lucky.

I wonder who the donor is and why they want to remain annonymous?


If you can afford to drop 35,000 on someone, especially for a controversial matter, I imagine privacy is an important issue.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Praise Jesus...or as I would say, Jai Kali Ma.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by CX
Nice story there, good to see he gets a fresh start, not all are so lucky.

I wonder who the donor is and why they want to remain annonymous?


Another skinhead who wants out, but who is afraid for their own life, would be the obvious guess.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by CX
Nice story there, good to see he gets a fresh start, not all are so lucky.

I wonder who the donor is and why they want to remain annonymous?


Another skinhead who wants out, but who is afraid for their own life, would be the obvious guess.

It was a woman. I have a feeling it's either a old rich white lady that feels guilty about her wealthy superficial life, or... it's Oprah.

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