reply to post by Manunnaki
Greetings, fellow seeker.
Is it possible ghosts and the like are beings from the past present and future. Invading our reality. All the while being in different places
in time? Might be possible!
Friend, I see ghosts. Have since early childhood. See some in full apparition, some in a flash of light, some in a disturbance in the field of sight
before me. Several have been as humanly formed as anyone, I could touch, and smell them. How this was accomplished I do know know at thins time.
I believe that the Dead live in the 4th Dimension of Time/Space, about 4 feet above our heads. Above that is another dimension, and another, and so
on, 11 in all, as I understand it, there may in fact be millions, no one has been up there yet.
I believe, strongly, and with conviction, that certain people cracked the secrets of
Time Travel, and perfected this in 1963 at Camp Hero,
Montauk Point, Long Island, NY. I believe, again, strongly, and with conviction, that these people messed with
a lot. Time is not
Linear, it is more circular in nature, and one can bend Time with the proper equipment and
Delta-T antenna. (PDF File)
Two more websites for the Tech Happy people:
Notes on Interdimensional Physics
Interdimensional Physics--technological aspects,
the phenomena, and the different implications of travel of intelligent beings between universes.
I believe Time was so messed up we are not even in the right Time Continuum. Time has crossed itself several times since 1963, and the cycle is every
20 years.
So, with the Timelines crossing, soon everyone will be sighting the dead. They will not be descending into our world, we will be ascending into
theirs. It is our Destiny that we all Ascend up even further, to the 5th Dimension. We need to all realize that in Spirit Form we are invincible, and
immortal. Once we can lay aside all petty differences, all religious differences, sexual preference differences, political differences, then and Only
then can we be ONE.
We can defeat those who plan to enslave our Spirit, and we can access our original Timeline. But only is we are Aware of these things.
edit on
4/30/12 by autowrench because: (no reason given)