I just did some more reading of a thread by Kali74, on privatised prisons, and prison
slave labour. On watching the YouTube video she'd linked, I found this in the video's
They aren't slaves...they can still vote can't they? They still have a social security number and are not listed as chattel of the state. Why
not put them to do community service and do the maintenance that needs doing but the state can't afford. All you people having a cry are forgetting
two things, 1. These people are IN JAIL for committing crimes so IMO they should be working not sitting on their arse getting a free ride in prison.
2. It is saving you money.
I previously wrote another thread, where I identified another element of the problem
of why, on topics like this, and in terms of America's current transition to totalitarianism in general, threads documenting this tend to also contain
rationalisers and apologists for the government/police/TSA position. I think, however, that I've just realised another central element of the
"That's happening to someone else. As long as it isn't being done to me, it's completely fine and I don't have a
problem with it."
The American government, from what I've been reading, is currently in the process of installing armed identification checkpoints all over the country.
I expect the FEMA camps to begin accepting inmates within the next year or so, as well. In both cases, the inherent racism of the American public is
going to be used against it. The rationalisation for both of these things, which will be accepted, is that the government will only use either the
camps or the checkpoints for illegal Hispanic immigrants. Lies will be told to the effect that said camps and checkpoints would never be used to
detain white Americans, and these lies will be believed by the public.
We need to learn solidarity. We need to do so very quickly. We don't need to do so for the sake of anyone else at all; we need to do
so for ourselves.
As I saw in another recent thread someone else posted, there is another case in point going on right now in Australia. Motorcycle gangs are being
targetted by police, and they are no longer allowed to wear their colours in pubs or other venues. The conservative rationalisers will likely have a
field day with this...but in doing so, they will once again miss the point. Here's what I wrote
That's what fascism does. It picks off the population, one group or segment at a time.
Fascists will select a group that the majority do not identify with to murder, first. They will tell the majority that they are only killing or
persecuting that single, specific group; and because most people aren't members of said group, they don't object.
Biker gangs are the perfect target for this sort of thing. The majority of the public fear them, to greater or lesser degrees. They also usually are
racist, adherents of anarchic religious systems (such as Asatru, if not outright Satanism) and can exhibit varying degrees of criminality, violence,
and other socially taboo forms of behaviour.
So a fascist government can pick on bikers as much as they want, and the public won't care, because as far as the public are concerned, bikers are
considered dangerous freaks anywayz.
That's how it starts; but what the public don't understand, is that that is never where it ends. Fascism is a terminal sociopolitical disease. It's
literally a macrosocial form of cancer. It needs more and more and more and more people to repress and murder; and once it gets done with those groups
which are unacceptable to mainstream society, it will begin to consume mainstream society as well.
So sure, Hitler's spiritual descendants will come for us freaks first, (I say "us," here because I'm autistic, which is also why I can feel solidarity
towards bikers, as well as what my avatar might tell you about my own personality) but the muggles always make the mistake of thinking that their turn
won't come. It will...it always does.
Look around, and ask yourselves; how many different groups, have had restrictions concerning their cultural or religious dress, passed into law
recently? Given that, if you're somehow within one of the groups that this hasn't happened to yet, how long do you think it is going to be before it
will? How long will it be before some fascist politician decides that Goth makeup or clothing is corrupting the young, as one example, and needs to
go? They'll probably make up some BS linking it with terrorism; and most of you will believe it, like you always do.
The point is that we need to start realising that compassion is necessary for our own survival. Compassion isn't just something you do
to someone else. It benefits us in the process. In legal terms, if we are able to feel empathy for another group of people who are
currently being persecuted by the government, then we can take steps to make sure that said government persecution ends there, and doesn't spread to
other sectors of the population.
Among other things, we need to start to realise that, as I wrote earlier, fascism is a terminal macrosocial disease. That means, that
it doesn't just kill the Jews or the homosexuals or the bikers or the autistic. Fascism is insatiable; it always has to have someone else to kill,
which means that eventually it runs out of undesirable minorities, and the mainstream, who the government previously swore would never be targetted,
suddenly discover that they are.
While it probably won't win me too many points with some of my friends on here, I will admit that to a certain extent, I like the philosophy of Ayn
Rand. One of the things which I seem to remember Rand writing about, was the concept of enlightened self-interest. That is a scenario
where a person who is otherwise self-centered, agrees to help someone else, because they realise that ultimately, it is in their own best interests to
do so.
You might not realise it just yet, but fighting for Islamic women, to help them keep their hijab, is actually one of the most effective forms of
selfishness that you can engage in. If you're a member of the mainstream white population, the government will never target you first; it will always
escalate gradually by targetting minorities which you consider undesirable, acclimatising you to a totalitarian environment over time, before you
yourself suddenly become the one in the crosshairs.
So whenever you help to ensure that the blacks or the gays or the Muslims or the bikers, cannot be persecuted by the government, you're working
towards also making sure, that the day never comes when it's your turn.
edit on 29-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason
It seems like the war on the individual persists. I'd even go so far to say the individual is the most oppressed entity in society today. He
has lost all value, merely because individuals refuse to find value in themselves.
Great OP. I couldn't listen to the video sorry but what you've written is poignant and you narrow it down to arrow head at the end.
So whenever you help to ensure that the blacks or the gays or the Muslims or the bikers, cannot be persecuted by the government, you're working
towards also making sure, that the day never comes when it's your turn.
I can't say enough, in fact, I feel that is the meat of everything I say...we are making it far too easy for the Constitution to be eroded by our
lack of tending to the amendments. We let our dislikes rule our rationale, by allowing this group or that group to be maligned. Words matter, how we
use them is crucial. I think it's important when speaking to an audience that while coming from a point of a disagreement you add the caveat "but I
support their right to ___".
I can't say enough, in fact, I feel that is the meat of everything I say...we are making it far too easy for the Constitution to be eroded by our
lack of tending to the amendments. We let our dislikes rule our rationale, by allowing this group or that group to be maligned. Words matter, how we
use them is crucial. I think it's important when speaking to an audience that while coming from a point of a disagreement you add the caveat "but I
support their right to ___".
I agree, Kali. Division can be a terrible weapon, but it is wielded with the aid of the target.
As far as prisoners working, I think it's a good idea. I would rather work if I was put in prison than sit around and/or socialize. I don't
understand why people wouldn't want prisoners to work. We work here on the outside to survive. If you are guilty of a crime you should still have to
work. Work would also pay for your room and board costs while you are there and when you leave they can give you a little starting money so you will
not have to instantly go back to a life of crime. I think big business was against them working because it was taking profits from capitalism. Eight
hours a day is what most people work, why not them. I suppose the rich are against this just in case they or their kids go to jail. All prisons, not
just the ones the poor and middle class go to. Big wheel prisoners can learn humility by digging ditches or sorting trash at the dump also. The
prisons should have prison farms to grow the food for the prison. No excuses for prisoners and no government pensions paid to them while in prison.
If the punishment is severe, people will think twice about committing crimes. 8 hrs doesn't include travel time or include lunchbreaks either, that
is extra. Regular people don't get that and some spend two hrs a day traveling to work and have to be to work five to ten minutes before they start.
We're spoiling the prisoners, they won't go to work when they get out.
The division of society will never change. I've known bikers in the past, many are good people and some are mean or angry. Same as all other parts
of society. So what's the problem, most bikers don't want to deal with many kinds of our societies people either. They don't like snobs or people
who think they are better than them. Only thing that differenciates them from others is that they will act on their thinking more often.
edit on 29-4-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)
Good work op.
It's good to see the word spreading. There aren't enough of "them" to take us all on, that's why they play these games. The more light that's
shone on this the better. For each person that wakes up, "they" lose a soldier and we gain one.
Brilliant OP, and the video itself was very important despite the appearance (which acted as a fortifying factor to the OP even more, which actually
makes me question how much thought you put into this: Obviously a lot more than I originally assumed.)
You know, this also makes me question to base justification for individualism. However, I enter another dualistic mindset of Collectivism v
Individualism. In this I find a difficult question emerges. What are we and why do we justify our existence as separate beings? So the illusion stands
before us, and we indulge in its pleasures. Thus we are trapped as addicts, and the second someone questions the habit, we react violently. We kick,
we scream, and we fight against, calling it hogwash and nonsense. We desire to hide ourselves from the truth, claim that we seek the truth, and walk
as if we are unburdened by addiction.
The truth is...we are...all of us...horrible addicts to an individualistic mindset that is self serving to no extent.
It is hard to put down the needle. Harder to admit there is a problem. Harder yet to do something about it.
Our society, social structures, and history tell us otherwise...but that space between our thoughts and our words speak so loudly to speak to us a
truth...we are not individuals, and a perpetuation of such an ideal is dangerous, destructive, and against our spiritual nature.
Maybe I've missed the point of the OP, maybe not, but don't think for a second that I didn't find wisdom in everything that you've typed. You've
helped me accept that I must, I must, set out on a journey that I have procrastinated on starting. Ego death. I'm a bit off base, ignore this if you
must, but I will say: Brilliant, and Thank You.
Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Maybe I've missed the point of the OP, maybe not, but don't think for a second that I didn't find wisdom in everything that you've
You haven't missed the point. There is an inherent conflict and tension between individualism and collectivism. If I was going to make any
suggestion to anyone, there; it would be to appreciate and embrace the value of both, without neglecting either. They need balance.
You've helped me accept that I must, I must, set out on a journey that I have procrastinated on starting. Ego death.
Ego death is fine, but from my own experience, I'm finding that there is a bit of a paradox there. While being mindful of it, I'm starting to
realise that it is beneficial to give myself as much time as I need, on that score. If I try and push too much, my mind revolts. So going gently, in
that sense, is actually faster than trying to force the issue. Just be aware of it, is the central point.
I'm a bit off base, ignore this if you must, but I will say: Brilliant, and Thank You.
I won't at all...and you aren't off base. I thank you for your reply.
Otherisation: How our own bigotry is used against us
Words: 'Hate' 'Bigotry' 'Nationalist' 'Zionist' are all part of a larger lexicon being taught to divide, subdivided and sectionalize our
society. America could not be defeated by any other means. We have to cavitate... we have to implode and the only way to create the vacuum is to take
those subdivisions and turn them against each other.
Another abused term is ''phobic'. Homophobic is a good example because it labels those who don't agree with the political agenda as being
'afraid' of homosexuality.
Word games... like 'hate'.
Most people hate no one. In fact, true hate is the opposite of true love and how many go through their lives looking for that rare item without ever
finding it? True hate is not something most of us will ever experience.
You have to think instead of simply riding along on the trendy bandwagon.
Think... because whether God created you or because you fell out of a tree, NOT thinking is a sin.
Your forgetting one key thing: the groups you list(and don't list) have spent the better part of 30+ years ticking everyone else off. "White"*
American's aren't "bigots", "White" American's are fed up with the bigotry of minority groups that seem to think just because we want to "live
and let live", it gives them an excuse to treat us like human pinatas.
Don't get me wrong, what your saying is probably true. But, it just sounds so totally absurd. It is akin to a serial killer pleading for the death
penalty to be outlawed because some innocent people might be executed. People reap what they sow, and the diversity crowd that spent the past 30 years
forming lynch mobs will reap what they sow.
That is the nature of the ending of this age, beginning of a new age.
*(I reject the notion that "White" exists. It is nothing more then a social construct used by Anglophone Caucasoid's to commit genocide against non
Anglo Scot Irish Caucasians. And also to neatly cover up their tracks for posterity)