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Mother Wins Top Environmental Award for Beating Monsanto

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by TsukiLunar

I, for one, do not really care to be mislead. Especially so blatantly. It seems as though this happens a lot regarding GMO's in "conspiracy circles". I was in a thread the other day in which claims were made GMO's were dangerous. When I was presented "proof" for this claim, what I found as people outright lying about what exactly "researchers" had said. Twisting results and statements to "vilify" GMO's.

I do not like being mislead or lied to neither, but who is doing the lying when it comes to GMO?

Let's quote from the article found by alfa1 from Goldman Prize again.

While Monsanto claims there is no risk to humans, a 2008 scientific study found that even at low concentrations, glyphosate causes the death of human embryonic, placental and umbilical cells. Endosulfan is a highly toxic pesticide that has been banned in 80 countries because of its threats to human health and the environment. In May 2011, it was added to the UN list of persistent organic pollutants to be eliminated worldwide.

Endosulfan is being banned world wide because of its toxicity. Do you believe that the claim from Monsanto was misleading and that they did not make it? The point for GMO crops is made that less chemicals need to be used because of its resistances. The facts appear to be the opposite, more chemicals need to be sprayed on GMO crops. Roundup is a very effective herbicide and should be used sparingly. With roundup resistant GMO soybeans the entire field is sprayed with roundup, containing glyphosate, several times throughout the season.

The evidence that I have found points the finger at Monsanto doing the lying. This is a though battle for real evidence especially when Monsanto gives a "no comment" to such claims of harm and toxicity levels and blankets any wrong doing with the claim of lack of evidence that any harm will be or has been done.
edit on 4/30/2012 by Devino because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by alfa1

Most environmentalist stories are written from the religious viewpoint of the church of environmentalism. You really can't expect these deeply religious people to see anything that they don't want to see.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by DavidWillts
reply to post by alfa1

Most environmentalist stories are written from the religious viewpoint of the church of environmentalism. You really can't expect these deeply religious people to see anything that they don't want to see.

How is the desire to live a synthetic chemical free life (all creatures on earth would benefit) akin to the desire to manipulate people into joining your exclusive club to get into your exclusive heaven? How is it that the word environmentalist is now used as a curse on folks that want nothing more than to restore the earth to its former glory? Everyone can gain from the breathing of clean air and the drinking of clean water, even the zany fanatic religious peoples you would like to compare us to.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:05 PM
I hope that this is a true story! We must all find a way to stop Monsanto!
I have taken one step further from organic and get my organic produce from the dumpster. No joke. I CAN afford to buy it, but why should i when EVERY piece of fruit or vegetable i get is perfectly good? I eat foods that i could never afford simply because the grocery sore had to make room for another shipment. FREEGANISM!
edit on 30-4-2012 by ilikestarz because: grammer.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 12:22 AM
Maybe its just me but I am starting to think that this whole GMO food thing is just part of a larger picture. If you just look at this you might think to yourself "look at this evil corporation that only cares about profits" but if you look at everything it gets more sinister. I am starting to think that things such as GMO's go beyond just profits over people and is a deliberate attempt to damage the general population. Look at what is going on in the United States today, We have a government that is slowly extending its ability to control its population (NDAA) while at the same time making its population sicker and sicker almost as if a attempt to control everyone. Its kind of hard to overthrow a government if everyone is morbidly obese with type 2 diabetes. Oh and with the ever increasing price of health care less and less people can afford to keep them-self in good shape. Staying healthy in America is getting pricier. So after getting control over the population that is fat and sick and unable to do anything due to a ever increasing police state there is really nothing we can do but become debt slaves to the elite. Maybe I might be wrong about some of that but honestly i think the wool is being pulled over our eyes.

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