Just wanted to share some sleep paralysis experiences. The 'floating down the stairs' thread got me onto this and it's put real shivers up my
spine so want to get it off my chest!
The first time sleep paralysis (SP) happened to me, I was about 20, and I can remember the dream to almost exact detail even 8 years or so later.
I was on a coach, nice sunny day and there was a girl sitting opposite me (damn I'm getting the worst shivers typing this!!). It was actually part of
a recurring dream where I'm travelling in America, haven't got a clue where I'm going, i'm just sitting back taking in the scenary. However, when
I made eye contact with the girl opposite me, her face suddenly changed into what you would imagine a demon's face! The only way to describe it
would be the Grudge- mouth wide open, black eyes.
I guess the sudden shift in the dream to a nightmare made me wake up. I was on my back, wide awake, yet I could not move at all! The room was pitch
black and at the end of my bed was a figure, it was sitting down facing away from me, I couldn't move and I was terrifed waiting for the figure to
turn around and face me.
It lasted for a only a minute at most, but seemed like ages.
I was certainly awake, and gradually the feeling came back to me and I slept with the light on for the rest of the night!
Afterwards I made sure I slept on my side to avoid it happening again, but everynow and then I roll over in my sleep. If I am asleep on my back it is
almost 100% certain to happen to me.
The next time it happened, the exact figure was there again and I remember screaming, I got so angry and violent I was petrified yet I wanted to face
it, I was screaming at it to turn around and I was willing to fight it no matter what it was! At no point would it turn around. The next day I asked
my brother if he had heard me shouting in my sleep because I was sure I would have woken him up but it must have been in my head because he insisted
he hadn't heard me.
Since being willing to confront it- and you wouldn't believe how angry I was, I was in a pure rage, I couldn't move but the anger and willingness to
fight it was incredible- since that time, the figure has never returned. Whilst I'm aware of the scientific explanations of SP, I find it very
interesting it hasn't returned since that time. If I do roll onto my back I wake up and have the SP sensation, but it passes very quickly and I turn
back over.
Just wanted to share that. I wonder why the experience of SP is always bad and haunting- what is the scientific explanation for there being a common
recurring theme of a figure or presence in the room, and why does this presence feel so evil and negative?
I know there have been similar threads, I just wanted to share my experience.