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I want Justice

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by watchitburn
reply to post by swan001

I agree.

I cannot buy into the idea of Karma. If karma were a functioning force in this world, there would be Balance/Justice. From my point of view there is a significant lack of karma on this planet.

There certainly is a huge disparity in the balance of Karma, but it's about to be equalized.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by ronriley2003

Who's Drake?
I am relieved to know that the military is on our side. The WHOLE military? Sounds too good!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:14 AM
Logic would indicate that the pressure in the keg has not yet built up enough to form the critical mass for a true explosion. Too many people are still satisfied with their vested interests to be pursuaded that they are living in hell. That says it all really; the fact that most people still have to be persuaded to open their eyes.

Those who are extremely unhappy right now (I count myself amongst them) are like the start of the reaction point in an explosion. You just know yourself to be outraged but don't understand why everyone around you is so dormant.

Sometimes, infact quite often, when I see my fellow office workers merrily skipping along, glossing over news items that I think they should be reading with alarm; I wish I were like them in la la land.

I feel like I've been given the red pill without the means to do something about it. Some days it would be great to go about just thinking all these "wrong things" are just chance. Yes, a blue pill would do me a world of good right now.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by grill
I feel like I've been given the red pill without the means to do something about it. Some days it would be great to go about just thinking all these "wrong things" are just chance. Yes, a blue pill would do me a world of good right now.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Indeed! Thanks for that. Just how I feel. In my defence, I'm not even in "mission control" like that guy!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by watchitburn

It gets worse. I woke up way back in May 1970 as a medic in the contrived war of the time.
"The People" ARE awake.
"The People" have been trying to do something about it.
"The People" are GREAT.
Honest, hard working, very ethical beings trying their best to correct this mess we find ourselves in. The mess THEY put us in.
We know who the bad guys are. Even the bad guys know who they are. Yet every effort to change the picture does NOT succeed. Why?
Eisenhower should have included the media in his Industrial military complex. Without the bought and paid for media none of what they are doing would be possible. None of it would have even started.
Rothchild started buying up the media in this country way back in the 1800's.
So don't be too harsh on "The People". "We" have been trying, "We" have been active, But you don't hear it on the news. Never have, never will... Thus, no publicity. Thus, it comes down to you personally. Take care of your little corner of the world. Spread the truth around in it. You'll be surprised how many other people you run into that feel as you do about all this.
The showdown is on and they know they're going to lose. There's no further west to move to. The confrontation MUST happen. We're living in the most important time in history. We WILL pull it off. Doc

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by watchitburn
reply to post by swan001

I agree.

I cannot buy into the idea of Karma. If karma were a functioning force in this world, there would be Balance/Justice. From my point of view there is a significant lack of karma on this planet.

That's because you can't see the forest for the trees.

Why do you think there are natural disasters all over? Everything bad that happens is because you are either unwise or not careful. Karma manifests in many ways...and global consciousness affects karma as well. Lots of negative emotion = today's world. Korea, earthquakes, meltdowns, forest fires, riots, murder, bullying, everything...all karma. All the balance of power.

If you look closely enough, you'll see it. If you don't see it, it's probably because you don't want to. And in that case, I'm done discussing it with reluctant mules.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

We need all of us to stand together and take them on. they will throw there Goons at us. but their is more of us then them. I know when they come around to grab us all up I'm not going. I hope to take a few of them down along the way.

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