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Mysterious fireballs ram the Earth

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posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:22 AM
A mysterious fire tornado that ripped through the jungles had torn out trees in some areas, while leaving the vegetation untouched.

At night of 14 September 2004 many people got a chance to witness the fall of a fire object near the southern Argentinean town of Ushuaia. Further searches in the region yielded fascinating results: the area of approximately 150 sq meters had absolutely no trees. At first sight, it appeared as though the trees were chopped down; however, all the vegetation remained untouched. More so, according to the Argentinean media, scientists were unable to find any traces of the mysterious fire object that had "melted down" the woods. The next day, on September 15th, another fire object was spotted in that same region.

OK so what is a "geophysical meteor." This truly is strange. Has anyone else heard of such a thing? Have "they" ever happend anywhere else in the world?

[edit on 28-9-2004 by valkeryie]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:29 AM
First, before giving yourself a headache over this (like i often do), check the source. Pravda is essentially the National Enquirer of Russia. This is the same news agency that published a story saying the United States was fighting the second Gulf War to get Saddam's Stargate.

Keep up the search though, there's always a little bit of truth at the at the root of every legend (except the stargate thing of course).

[edit on 28-9-2004 by goregrinder]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:33 AM
Here is another source that is not Pravda.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by valkeryie
Here is another source that is not Pravda.

Again... this is Rense, another one i would be cautious of sighting as a source. If you want to do some really good digging, try finding some South American news agency websites, and start there.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:45 AM
OK here is another one,

If we keep questioning the sources the truth will never come out.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:52 AM
Hehe...yes, but you'll find that Rense and Pravda are universally reviled here, and with good reason for the most part....

Interesting stuff...

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:54 AM
Indeed an interesting story, but Rense and Pravda have a rather wide reputation for not "Denying Ignorance".

As for the story, South America (along with Central America) has an extreme amount of UFO sightings and anomalous occurences, for instance, the video of the mexican fighter jet being chased by six UFO's. Also, South American and Central American news agencies have always been more open to televising these events on the daily news than American news agancies have been in the past.

Interesting find.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 10:40 AM
sounds a little like the tunguska blast.........

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by goregrinder
As for the story, South America (along with Central America) has an extreme amount of UFO sightings and anomalous occurences, for instance, the video of the mexican fighter jet being chased by six UFO's.

The 'aliens' are just trying to be sure they won't have an illegal immigration problem when they reveal their 'bases'!

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:52 PM
I was curious about this, in particular the term 'geophysical meteors'. I thought it was this new idea that is circulating now that volcanic explosions can eject marterial into orbit, and it would later crash back down. Apparently its not. I googled the term and got thie page of the guy the pravda article references.

the page
The main problem with geophysical meteors (geometeors) is that, unlike the meteoroidal meteors (astrometeors), their physical mechanism is not known. We can just suppose that probably the origin has some resemblance with a ball-lightning. But the latter one is a problem for modern scientists too!

Not very promising. And, while Rense and Pravda are interesting, they simply are not reputable. Whats reputable mean, does it mean 'big news company that everyone watches'? No. A reputable news source investigagtes what its reporting on and researches it and trys to veryify it. Rense and Pravda do not do this. Just like the Enquirer. The Enquirer's 'editorial strategy', I think, is that they accept submissions from freelancers, and don't have any policy of verification or anything like that. Looks like they also try to take the more sensational stories. Rense apparently does just that, and Pravda, I think Pravda might be different, I think that they have a 'regular staff' that makes this stuff up, er I mean writes these stories. This one is an excellent example. There is no information other than some supposed 'eye witnesses' in south america. I have to wonder if Pravda even has reporters stationed anywhere, let alone argentina. They even say that there is no evidence to support any story about the 'event'. And now, the scientist that they bring in, he can't even explain what a 'geophysical meteor' is supposed to be, he also says that its mechanisms and theories about it are none existant, and then says its 'somethig like ball lighting', but even then says that no one knows that the deal with that it. So thats a nice little epitome of pravda and why its not a Reputable News Source.

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