posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 08:03 AM
Kerry: No response to nuclear attack
As Michael Dukakis� Lieutenant Governor, Kerry authored an executive
order saying the state of Massachussetts would refuse to take part in any
civil defense efforts in response to a nuclear attack on America. He did
this to Massachussetts when he was in power there... What do you think
he'd do if he was President of the United States? He'd order America not
to respond to attack. He's want us to roll over and die. That's what his
record says. (Kerry said that he wants us to review his record)
Is this part of his 'sensitive war' stand? Let America's enemies attack
and obliterate us!
Lt. Gov. Kerry�s executive order on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts read in part:
�Whereas the existing and potential strength of nuclear weapons is such that nuclear war can neither be won nor survived, it can only be prevented;
and Whereas the only effective defense against the horrors of nuclear weapons lies in their elimination and in the prevention of nuclear war or
attacks, [the Commonwealth of Massachusetts] shall seek to ensure the safety of its citizens by pursuit of policies reflecting a serious commitment to
prevention of nuclear war.�
�Such policies,� the Kerry directive continued, �shall include education of citizens concerning the real nature of nuclear war and efforts to
influence national policy towards negotiation of an end to the nuclear-arms race.�
The Kerry order stated emphatically, however: �No funds shall be expended by the Commonwealth for crisis relocation planning for nuclear war.�
Monica Conyngham, Lt. Gov. Kerry�s spokeswoman at the time, defended the controversial document, telling reporters, �We believe that [evacuation]
plans are absolutely futile and that there are no safehavens from nuclear war.�
Gov. Dukakis signed Kerry�s �no nuclear defense� executive order into law on June 28, 1984.