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How do we know space isn't just one big conspiracy?

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:22 PM
If you really think about it, the majority of people have never even been to space, and the truth it, there's a possibility it might not even exist. All of us might just be here, thinking we're floating through a universe that it's actually just some creators experiment, or so many other things unknown. Has anyone else ever thought about this? The government could just be lying to us, and no one really ever went and landed on that floating orb we see each night in the sky. It could be the greatest conspiray of all, and we don't even know it. I mean, what do we all ever really know, you know? Sorry if this was in the wrong area, I just thought I'd share my thoughts on this and see if anyone else felt the same way,

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by excitedwaterkickingritual

Look up. If you look hard enough, you can see satellites, the ISS, and even with a powerful enough telescope, you can see the remains of the Apollo landings on the moon. You might could fake A moon landing with people, but you can't fake the fact that we(the US) have indeed put ships on the moon. With or without people...the remnants are still there.

If space travel isn't possible, then explain modern communications with GPS satellites, and satellite internet. Sat phones. And don't try to get out of it by saying they aren't in space. Your OP didn't distinguish between deep space and/or low earth orbit. You can still see the remains of our flights to mars too.

We have been there. Whether or not we have actually put people on the moon and safely returned them, might can be up for debate. But whether or not we have reached the moon, or another planet with a ship is not.

edit on 26-4-2012 by webpirate because: spelling

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:34 PM
No offense op,but in order for what you've just stated to be true EVERY government in the world would have to be in on it.It's just not possible.Sure,99.9 % of us will never go to space...but that doesn't mean it isn't there.And to believe that it isn't...well...come on now.Sometime's a little common sense goes a LONG way.As for the moon and planets,yes they're there.I see them through my telescope most nights

edit on 26-4-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:34 PM
I don't think any government has been forthright as far as missions/findings/knowledge of space.. As far as space being real, i do believe that it is. I'm sure there are a million political reasons why it would never happen, but in my why can't countries have a joint space mission rather than minor, repetitive ones of their own?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by excitedwaterkickingritual
I mean, what do we all ever really know, you know?

Quite a huge amount actually, if you get out from behind a keyboard and walk outside at night with the intention of learning something about astronomy.

A *massive* amount of knowledge about space can be obtained with nothing more than a small pair of binoculars and willingness to find out for yourself.

But I suppose its easier to start a thread on ATS, I suppose.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:36 PM
Too many things are available to the public that proves that space is as it's portrayed to the general public.

Motion of the planets is easily calculated using laws found in many textbooks.

Reflectors on the moon placed by astronauts are constantly being used by uni students around the would to measure the speed of light.

Satellite signals can be received by anyone with appropriate equipment. e.g. All weather-satellite data is broadcast to Earth un-encrypted(raw).

edit on 26/4/2012 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:37 PM
Space is a lie to get us to buy night lights.
Sun is a lie to get us to buy sunblock.
Jesus is a lie designed to give us guilt which makes us want to eat little Debbie snacks.
Devil is a lie designed to give us someone to blame so that we don't feel guilty when we commit a sin.

I actually could go on for hours..

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:41 PM
I've thought about it quite a bit.

Life could be like the Truman Show, but there's no denying that the laws of this universe are real, for our ability to manipulate our surroundings works out in a myraid of ways. I think that sound may be one of the strongest factors, and I can't deny the thought that the cosmos is more than what appears to us. Simply complex, a mesh of physical characterics and orbital characteristics as we absorb. Could there be more? I think so.

Our perception is limited by the electromagnetic spectrum, and the frequencies we oscillate at.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:50 PM
use a telescope bro, you will find out if its real or not.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:50 PM
use a telescope bro, you will find out if its real or not.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by excitedwaterkickingritual

I had the same idea:

For The World Is "Hollow", And I Have Touched The Sky
by this_is_who_we_are
started on 3/20/2012 @ 10:55 AM

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by excitedwaterkickingritual

Seriously....modern technology pretty much allows anyone with cash to leave this place.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by murkraz

And there you have it.
edit on 4/27/2012 by this_is_who_we_are because: link

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:20 AM
As many have posted above get a telescope. I bought a cheap tasco for my 8 & 5 yr old daughters and they love space. They especially love checking out Venus and the moon they can spot Venus on any night because I'm trying to get them interested early. It's real ask my 5 yr old.
edit on 09/19/2005 by swampcricket because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:27 AM
Ah, you're taking the pragmatic point of view. We can't no anything with any degree of certainty, et cetera, et cetera. Very interesting.

I have never looked at it that way. However, it does give a person something to think about.

Given the fact that consciousness is the only reality there is, your point of view could be plausible. We keep looking for the "end of the universe" to no avail. It has been hypothesized that we will never find it because as long as e are looking, we will expect to find something. We expect to find something and voila, it's there.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:58 AM
I was first 15 years old I believe when I started to really question everything that there is, including consciousness. People would look at me weird and then revert back to feeling a sense of certainty that this physical plane and each morning we awake to, is the one, the only, and that the planets and stars are just background static, real enough for most humans to believe in, just because one can view this with their own eyes and a decent telescope, but not real enough in the sense that we can't see ourselves going to the stars anytime soon, or the mentality that the physical plane is just of more importance, so screw the rest.

I'm unsure if this is the only "consciousness" or "reality", due to a spiritual experience I had two years ago, and another most recently. I won't state the basis of this experience to avoid controversy, but perhaps someone will pick up on what I'm speaking of. In both instances my mind was plunged into a sea of thought I had never experienced before. Running thousands of thoughts every hour at a pace that drowned out the illusion of time, and with no perception of time, things felt terrifying. Without a perception of time I began to question much more and came to accept that my mind was working at a pace I had never experienced before.

With time gone, falling asleep was impossibly frightening, because every few minutes or so I would be wondering if I had yet fallen asleep, or if morning was here. It was all one, all connected, and I was genuinely confused by this. My perception became a snail's view, my thoughts, an eagle's eye, and everything remained constant, at one, and I felt myself go through sphere of reality after sphere. After so long I had felt as though I was thrown into another dimension, and what I saw, felt, was nothing like normal consciousness.

By the time I was myself again, I felt an intense appreciation of the regular rhythm of normal perception, the ability to use time, to plan out our day, to use the world as our own canvas.

Both experiences changed my entire life, and made way for a gradually siphening of knowledge that is still pitter-pattering down into my cerebral cortex to this day, and because of such experiences, I just cannot let go of the idea that there's a lot more to all of this than we'd like to organize in our brains. We need some blanket of security. In those states of mind, you come to face everything about yourself, things long lost, the bitter truth of the duality of reality.

It makes this world, this consciousness, seem like the real otherwordly experience, the real magic, though for this to exist, I feel there must be other levels, other branches to the one large tree. Yggdrasil they called it in Norse mythology, with marble-like worlds running off the one tree, one eternal pool of white water, pure knowledge. Each world projected as a swirl of cosmic mass, bulbs at the ends of delicate branches. There are many layers to this.

I don't think many of us are truly aware of just how amazing this opportunity is to be on this planet. If not plastered with so much negativity and fear, perhaps we'd be able to feel at one with nature and the planet like past cultures once were, like certain cultures still are, of the Amazon, of the mountains of Tibet and elsewhere, isolated.

Growing up in this western world, with a chosen view of the world drilled into my brain since birth, I have come to accept that even the educational systems dumb us down to a degree, in a way so as we do not question much of anything. Labour workers, devoid and punished for the urge to have other experiences, to live in happiness, to be our own individual, truly.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by murkraz

I have experienced similar revelation.
There is more to the world than what we see and measure.


That does not mean or even imply that what we do see and measure is not true and factually correct.

As far as the OP...

I have never been to Idaho. Most people have not. I do not have the resources to go there to confirm that it is real. Should I therefore ask, "How do we know Idaho isn't just one big conspiracy?" A lie, perpetuated by shadowy and malevolent transnational oligarchies with omnipotent media control to mask the true origin of the potatoes from which megacorporations make the french fries that they then force disaffected teenagers to sell to the blue-collar cattle to fatten them up for the eventual alien harvest?

Or would that be just silly paranoia?

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Saint Exupery
reply to post by murkraz

I have experienced similar revelation.
There is more to the world than what we see and measure.


That does not mean or even imply that what we do see and measure is not true and factually correct.

As far as the OP...

I have never been to Idaho. Most people have not. I do not have the resources to go there to confirm that it is real. Should I therefore ask, "How do we know Idaho isn't just one big conspiracy?" A lie, perpetuated by shadowy and malevolent transnational oligarchies with omnipotent media control to mask the true origin of the potatoes from which megacorporations make the french fries that they then force disaffected teenagers to sell to the blue-collar cattle to fatten them up for the eventual alien harvest?

Or would that be just silly paranoia?

Hi sai
I think the OP does not qualify for the forum.
And Idaho does qualify for silly parinoia or just silly anything.
you asked ljb

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by excitedwaterkickingritual
If you really think about it, the majority of people have never even been to space, and the truth it, there's a possibility it might not even exist. All of us might just be here, thinking we're floating through a universe that it's actually just some creators experiment, or so many other things unknown. Has anyone else ever thought about this? The government could just be lying to us, and no one really ever went and landed on that floating orb we see each night in the sky. It could be the greatest conspiray of all, and we don't even know it. I mean, what do we all ever really know, you know? Sorry if this was in the wrong area, I just thought I'd share my thoughts on this and see if anyone else felt the same way,

Can you muster the rules that allow you to post this OPINION??
How in the name of Hans Solo can you keep this poo ding alive in this forum??
Where is your ammo? Some reason? Some collaborating FACTS. Give me something to work with here. A tiny portion of reality. PLEASE

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