Charlie Sheen is cool
Jersey Shore is cool
Reality tv shows that feature pregnant teens is cool
Glee is cool
a President who is running this ground murdering is cool
a President who has usurped the us constituiton more time than any other president in history is cool
a president who Spent a trillion stimulus pan is cool
s president who threw billions of tax payer monies at failed green corporations is cool
a president who presided over fast and furious and gun walker is cool
a president who has spent more money than the entire line of presidents up to and including that last one.
a president who can;t even release his school records is cool
a president who ate dog is cool
a president who is assaisnating american and foreign nationals is cool
a president who can't even show respect for other people with different views is cool
a president who forced americans to buy a corporate product is cool
a president who signed into law Dodd Frank into law is cool
a president who created the consumer protection bureau that picks up where the federal reserve leaves off.
Yeah people he is cool by cool meaning the biggest fascist murdering big government right winger we have ever seen.
Truth people right wing ideology seeks the promotion of government power over individual freedoms they call themselves liberals they call themselves
left wing.
Their actions are anything but.
Proof positive OBama and liberals say "your on your own" doesn't work which is liberalism.
edit on 25-4-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason