posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:38 PM
I found and downloaded this app to my ipod, its called Distant Suns
Distant Suns
It is the BEST astronomy app I have found to date, it gives locations, names, degrees etc of all recorded objects in the sky, including Messier's
deep space catalog.
Once I oriented myself with the app and the night sky, WOW!! I sat outside for hours just looking at the sky and referring back to the app. The
pictures of deep space objects shown are simply breathtaking, and the best part is it gives you ALL the info on how to find the object
Here are a few pics of the app, taken off my ipad with my ipod (LOL)
I found it worth the 9.99 I paid for the FULL version, they also have a free lite version, which is JUST as good, just doesnt come with all the bells,
dings & whistles.
I have ALWAYS been into astronomy, but this has me now wanting to go out and buy a telescope to drool some more LOL