reply to post by pheonix358
I'm glad I found this thread.
What you have are a lot of bullet points without any cohesion. "Well how the heck do I get cohesion Boncho? Should I go out and buy superglue?"
"Yes, that ought to work."
But of course we could try something else as well. As I mentioned your writing is basically a bunch of bullet points lumped into a paragraph. (If
you'd like to call it that.)
Now, don't mind me, I have terrible grammar... But I do know the difference when something is formulated in a way that is easy to read.
So let me give an example of the style of your work and the types of things we can do to modify it.
►Every seven hundred and thirty years or so the plane of existence you occupy comes close to intersecting the plane of existence upon which Demon
Kind is imprisoned.
►Demon Kind wishes to escape and to flood this plane with their seed.
►Demon Kind is trying, as we speak, to open gateways to your world.
►-....happens a host of worlds and both the Battle Forces of Ressalon and the Knights and Masters of Balance act to prevent this.
►Demons feed on life force, the higher the development of a species the more potent the life force that can be acquired.
Here I took a few sentences out of your quoted text and put them into bullet points. To be honest, they seem more suited to bullet points. This really
isn't a bad thing, you are showing that you can put your ideas down, now you just need to structure them.
What I see is too much info, without any idea of where it's coming from. From the OP section, it seemed as though you are another race of beings that
are talking to humans. (Is this right?), anyhow, I'll run with that.
Lets go from a first person perspective of the Alien....
President Rosen looked at me wide eyed, tongue hanging out of his mouth. He still couldn't get over the fact that I entered one of the most secure
buildings his country has to offer. "Countries", the very thought of these creatures still operating in territorial boundaries is quite humorous.
"Explain to me again about the Demons." He asked, tapping his hands back and forth while sitting on his leather couch in the
blue room.
"As I said Mr. President, my species is much older than yours. We have tracked the 'Demons' for over twenty thousand years. Of course, your culture
would refer to them as that, but many others have a different name. They are from a different plane of existence and their reality will come back
alignment with yours in the next few years..."
The President rose to his feet, hands gripping the back of his head.
"When was the last time this happened?"
"Seven hundred years ago." I explained.
A look of shock came over his face.
"The Demons will venture into this realm and plant their seed. It is their only mission. Once they have fulfilled that your civilization will be
infested with their evil. And no one will be able to protect you then."
The President flopped back down to the couch letting out a big sigh.
"This isn't real is it?" He asked, "This is a joke... This has to be a joke!" His knuckles clenched turning pale and creamy.
"It's no joke Mr. President. You watched me drop six of your best secret service agents to the ground, unconscious. You know I carry advanced
technology and you know I'm not from this world. You must assume your role and start thinking clearly about this."
"But... uh..." The President stammered. His face tightened. "Give me more information then. What can we do to stop this?"
"It is quite easy as the protection of your world is not solely up to you. There are two groups of warriors that fight the Demon kind. The Masters of
Balance and their allies, the forces of Ressalon. If the two hadn't intervened in the past you would not even have a world to live in. Remember the
dark ages? They were here fighting the evil Demon scourge. And they won."
"This is all incredible... unbelievable..."
"The Demons want your life force, and right now you are intelligent, but you lack the power to stop them. This is where our allies will help in
protecting you."
blah blah blah, etc, etc, etc
Here's an example where I took the bullet points and put it into something more storylike.
Hope this helps.
One last thing, it was hard to build off that as it is a tad cheesy. But with some tweaking, I see no reason for it not to work. And don't take that
to heart as it could just be a matter of taste.... Just be careful with things like "Knights of the Masters of Alderon" and similar dog doo.
edit on 26-4-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-4-2012 by boncho because: (no reason
edit on 26-4-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-4-2012 by boncho because: (no reason