To expand further. My actual belief is self interest is at the core of all animals, including humans. However because other animals live as a law unto
themselves or within small groups, then if their family unit breaks down, perhaps due to the leader of the heard dying or being replaced by a
challenger, its not the end of their species.
However human beings who build civilizations have designed a system on such a large scale that when it collapses, the entire species is under threat.
Either by mass starvation of nuclear war or a combination of both.
The main problem with socialism was the repression of individual self interest, witch generated feelings of resentment within the population,
especially when they got to see how westerners were, supposedly living it up . And the main problem with Capitalism, especially in the U.S. is not
unrestricted freedom, because there definatley is not unrestricted freedom in the states. the main problem is unrestricted egotism.
The kind of mass self interest that has gone way beyond housing and feeding yourself and been ramped up into a nation of endless greed. as we see this
drive to go way beyond what the individual needs in order to fulfill its survival, has been promoted by the culture and media, in order to generate
massive profits for the unrestricted Capitalist machine. Things such as the housing bubble and subsequent debt crisis, were brought about from greed
in the individual and in all walks of life, from the bottom to the top.
This culture of greed is almost entirely the product of the USA, by design, even amongst capitalist models, like all of Europe, no other country has
pursued greed as the ultimate model, well not until about 10 years ago, when other countries decided, if the states can get away with living on credit
cards, so will we Eg Ireland and Greece. This is because any other country knew unrestricted greed leads to collapse of the system.
Countries everywhere know this, yet many recently adopted the USA's model of unrestricted greed and individual self interest because the real belief
was the USA was getting away with having the rest of the world pay for its free lunch. So other countries began to copy it, thinking we should also
have such wealth as long as the developing world make our cheap TV's etc and international banks loan us the money we can too party and forget about
tomorrow because our generation isnt the one paying it all back.
The system I propose, is based on the fact that people in the west are now so indoctrinated in self interest, it would be unrealistic to try to
convert them to a different mind set, even though everybody now knows, greed leads to collapse.
So my idea, it to allow people to pursue self interest, with no income tax. Some people would rise to dominate different sectors of business, but most
would be satisfied to have a decent comfortable standard of living. Not everyone wants to be a billionaire.
If socialist principals were also implemented, such as state owned property, it would mean that people could not buy up large parts of the property
market or artificially inflate the cost of housing. Something that should be the right of ever person, a home to live in.
What I would suggest is a land based system, where individuals are granted a large building plot with a basic home on it, No multistory tower blocks.
people would then be allowed to build whatever house they wanted on the state owned plot. The house would then be in the possession of the tenant for
as long as they lived or as long as they chose to live there. After the house has been vacated it goes back into the hands of the state.
Housing and land would need to be state owned due to what happens when it isnt. Such as housing bubbles, and what we have in the UK, a generation of
people who cant afford a home and instead pay all their income to landlords, keeping them in perpetual poverty and substandard housing conditions.
Particularly desirable areas would be designated to people who work in those areas.
My final idea to boost government revenue, would be to tax all money that leaves the country.
So if a citizen wishes to emigrate with a fortune 30% of the money would be taxed as an exit tax. I think 30% is a fair figure, not too as to much
discourage emigration and not to less to make it pointless.
Corporations have too much negative influence over the world, the rich choose who runs it. the environment is getting destroyed continually in pursuit
of profits and noting else, and the mentality is the same. No care for the future just today.
As corporations are here to stay, I say let them reap profits but also let them have zero influence of the media and politics. in other words, allow
the market to choose the very best products instead of the very best marketed products. we would then have fast healthy food instead of junk food etc
etc etc. So the advertising industry needs to go, as it is a propaganda machine designed only for the purpose of profit and at the expense of
everything else, including the promotion of greed and brainwashing people to buy things because they are brightly colored or have a sexy woman beside
them. This type of capitalism generates profit and greed and it also generates, obesity, lack of innovation, badly designed products and a stagnant
lowest denominator culture. Where the biggest selling art for is gangster culture.
edit on 24-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)