posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:49 PM
This one may be hard to believe.
I was going down US Hwy 2 in north central Montana early this morning, when I saw a train loaded with military vehicles. This was nothing new, as I
see these trains fairly often through here.
But as it went by, I noticed the vehicles were something different than the usual Bradleys and such. The entire train was one type of transport truck.
Working for the railroad as I do, a few days ago I was looking at the Army cargo container system on the web. They call it the PLS system. These
trucks looked very similar, but not quite the same thing.
So when I got home today, I started searching through the web to find what type it might be. I wasn't having any luck, because the bed of the trucks
just weren't the same as what I saw. Then I stumbled across the lockheed thaad site. The trucks I saw looked exactly like the transports show for the
THAAD defense system, without the boxed missiles.
The last I heard, even the rosiest estimates didn't put the THAAD operational until 2007, but they have had several successful tests recently.
Considering the recent and on-going problems with N Korea and the reported jump in missile production by China and Iran, maybe the Army has
accelerated the THAAD program and is pushing the system out early?
I counted 65 of these vehicles on this one train.
This is the Army PLS transport:
This is what I saw, minus the long boxed missiles: