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666, the number of people in the NWO hierarchy.

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:55 AM
After research and meditation, I believe that the 666 is the number of people in the N W O Hierarchy. It is stated that the number of his name is 666.

In the old testament a tribe is described by the number of his name. Once these individuals are discovered the Prayers can be made to facilitate their judgement according to God's will. I am going to start a list of names that are for sure moving against the children of God.

They have to be able to play out their parts so they can be judged.

These PTB at the highest levels are re-incarnated fallen angels. Their time is done and they know it. Once they are exposed they are done. That is why they fear exposure. Once identified God's judgement can descend. All people who believe in God can be witness to their judgement.

Let us not fear them and pray daily for the judgement to descend.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by prophetboy12

These PTB at the highest levels are re-incarnated fallen angels.

Gee whiz! Are any good people/angels/saints/prophets/heroes being reincarnated too?

I mean, if reincarnation is happening, are other than evil fallen demon/angels allowed to have it another go?

I believe in reincarnation, and have very clear memories of some of my past lives, that impacts my reality to this day. Am I a fallen angel/demon in your book?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12

After research and meditation, I believe that the 666 is the number of people in the N W O Hierarchy. It is stated that the number of his name is 666.

What sort of research? Reading the book of Revelations is not considered to be research, unless that book is the topic of conversation at hand. Our esteemed member Alpha Arietis posted about this:

Carbon is the basis of all life on the Earth.

The "pure" carbon atom has six electrons, six protons and six neutrons.

Therefore, these statements, without any religious bias, can be said to be factual: "666 is the number of man", "666 is the number of the beast".

In the old testament a tribe is described by the number of his name. Once these individuals are discovered the Prayers can be made to facilitate their judgement according to God's will. I am going to start a list of names that are for sure moving against the children of God.

That series of stories is about Tribal people in Ancient Canaan, and does not take into account the other Tribes of in other parts of the Ancient World. Their God too, not everyone's.

They have to be able to play out their parts so they can be judged.

Christianity is obsessed with Judgement, aren't they? Lets us take a hard look at that word, so loosely thrown about by Christians.

judgement - noun

1. an act or instance of judging.

2. the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgement.

3. the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgement as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence.

4. the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgement.
Which of these do you refer? The only person that will judge you, my friend, is YOU. Who could be a harsher judge?

These PTB at the highest levels are re-incarnated fallen angels. Their time is done and they know it. Once they are exposed they are done. That is why they fear exposure. Once identified God's judgement can descend. All people who believe in God can be witness to their judgement.

That's quite a stretch of imagination there, isn't it? I didn't think Christians belied in Reincarnation? And, to be reincarnated, one must die. Didn't think Supernatural Beings died, either. I will tell you, the Hidden Hand behind every world government, religious/political organization, and corporations, and the Banking Cartels.....Reptilians.
Reptilian Symbols, Influences and History

Let us not fear them and pray daily for the judgement to descend.

Well, I am not afraid of anything I know does not exist, and a thing that doesn't exist cannot be my judge, can they? What you think of as "Angels," are in fact, ET Beings.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 05:02 PM
Anytime there is a higher good, there is a lesser good. One becomes heaven and the other hell, and there is no real knowledge without first travels through hell to discover heaven. There is a beginning, the iii, and there is an end, the XXX, and to travel that pathway one must go via 666, the hell on Earth.

In the old days of Horus, one eye was for the light of day and there other to see in the dark of night and the duality gives the ultimate knowledge. The Dark is the hidden hand, and the light is the literal. The literal walks on all fours, as do the beasts, and those of seeing in the dark rise to the vertical and the all knowing.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by windword

What is in your heart? What do you think you are.

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