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My father is ill and in hospital, feeling a little down, and a bit scared to be honest.

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posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:45 PM
Since my mother passed away just over 3 years ago, I have been taking care of my father, in the last year he has ended up in a wheelchair, has been going downhill. Saturday night I took him to the hospital as he was getting a lot of blood in his urine. they agreed (with a bit of prodding from my dad) to let him come home for the night and go back today for a bladder flush and some more work. That is not how it ended up going. At 5am this morning I ended up rushing him into hospital with in sever pain, shortly after we got there he passed several blood clots. He was admitted, and is now in hospital awaiting word on an appointment with a specialist, and what could be causing the bleed.

A few moths ago, he had a urinary tract bleed, but it was put down to his blood being a bit thin, he takes warfarin, (blood thinners) for clotting problem, an had been taking another med that interacted with it causing his blood to thin too much. After about 18 hours of flushing, the bleeding now appears to be easing of, but we still don't know what the cause or source is. I am a little worried as he had a radical prostatectomy 7 years ago for prostate cancer, and we are both worried it might be an indication of the cancer returning, but there is no indication that is the cause as of yet, it is just speculation. If I am not terribly active for the next short while, this is why, I will be a little busier with taking care of my father, and running back and forth to the hospital.

I will thank everyone for their well wished ahead of time.

edit on 4/22/2012 by RyanFromCan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:58 PM
I am sending positive thoughts your way. I know this is not easy for you, or for him. Find a way to enjoy the time you still have together.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by RyanFromCan

Spend as much time as you can with your father, life is short... I have recently lost a step-dad in an accident and a month later my father-in-law due to cancer related issue… I’ll leave it at that.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 12:16 AM
Hoping the best for your father.
It's tough,I know .
My father-in law has been dealing with cancer for four years and my wife is a mess.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by RyanFromCan

Much love, good health and positive vibes to your father. I hope he receives plenty of TLC from the staff.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by RyanFromCan

My father died some years ago. He too, was on warfarin. He ended up getting prostrate cancer. It was the worst time of my life. I still haven't gotten over it - I doubt I ever will.

I did have some things to help me though.

1. For as long as possible, before he died, I had him speaking into a tape recorder and recording every moment of his life. Where he lived. Where he worked. Funny tales of his life. Things he could remember from years gone by. I often get out the tape recordings and listen. It does me good just to hear his voice sometimes.

2. I managed to take as many photos of him as I could. In all different poses. Face closeups as well. It wasn't until after he died, and I looked back at those same photos that I noticed how sick and ill he had really become.

3. Relatives of mine, who wanted to remember him too, managed to get one of the photos enlarged to huge poster size, framed it and hung it on the wall - so he could still be a part of the family gatherings.

I hope any of this helps. I have been there. It is tough. My thoughts go out to you.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 01:53 AM
I will keep your Father in my thoughts and prayers and wish you both the strength and courage you need at this difficult time. HUGS!

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 12:52 PM
Love to and my prayers are going out for you , dad especially, and all the fam!
This is a really hard thing to go through .. Am so that glad you reached out ...You are not alone and just knowing that people care and are praying- helps!

Bless your dear heart. I've been in the same boat so to speak / have experienced such like .... So I can and dO empathize ...

It is heart-breaking to lose your loved ones... So sorry about the loss of your mom as well. My mom passed this past Oct. They are gone but not forgotten but they will always reside in our hearts...but that one sweet day will come when we can meet them again in glory awaits!!... so remember this isn't a final separation (. IMO and according to Scripture)....

Life is hard ...but with God's help , we'll get through these times to keep on persevering.
Bless you OP...Am putting you on my prayer list, and wish to rally others to do the same!


posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 02:33 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with your father, And what an amazing job you do, xx

I can fully relate to what your going through, I was a full time carer to my wheelchair bound grandmother and she had cancer at 82 years old so i know the absolute worry you face,

Please do not feel alone as im only a message away if you ever need someone to talk to,

Please keep us updated and send him all of our love,

Take care of you as well ok x I know that's one thing we can forget to do,

Hang in there!

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by RyanFromCan

Hi Ryan,
Just letting you know: Am remembering your dad , you & fam in my prayers.
(Your dad seems familiar to me- like I've met him before...but surely not.). Anyway....feeling for you guys and lifting you all up in prayer. May He help and touch you guys in a special way & Shower you with many a blessing and give healing to your dad.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:58 PM
Sorry everyone, guess I better update you. My father was discharged last night, he is doing better, the bleeding has stopped, and his fever is gone, he is still on antibiotics, and has some follow up appointments later next week to go to, he is also in much better spirits and has regained his old "charm" lol. Thank you to everyone for your moral support, have to admit, things were not looking the greatest when he went in last Sunday, and I was more than a little worried.

Again, Thank You.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:11 AM
Other people might give you well wishes, Ryan. I'm going to give you something else. Some practical suggestions.

a] Buy your father an electrical juice extractor. It doesn't have to be an expensive one. Just get something which will do the job, of getting juice out of fruits and vegetables.

b] Find your local farmer's market, and get some fresh, organic, non-GM vegetables. Juice said vegetables, and start giving them to your father. I'd also recommend wheatgrass and barley green if you can get it. You can find a lot of information on those; just google it. Give your father turmeric with those, as well. Turmeric is widely available, or at least it is where I'm from. Hopefully you should be able to get some in the spice section at your local supermarket.

c] Subscribe to this guy on YouTube. He will give you a lot of recipes for fruit/vegetable juice combinations, and other things that you can do with raw fruit and vegetables.

d] As one more suggestion, download this document on Ojas replenishing foods. You might need to pick up a little background on Ayurveda in order to completely understand some of the terms, but it's not hard. Just know that all of the foods listed there are extremely beneficial.

Will this save your father's life? Not necessarily, at his age...but it will help clean him out, normalise his blood acidity levels, and create a scenario where, even if it is his time to die, he will be able to do so in less pain, and a greater level of comfort.

Now I'll wish you (and him) all the luck that is available to you.

edit on 27-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:06 PM
Praise the Lord ..Through whom all blessings flow...
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

Glad to hear.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by RyanFromCan

I know this is really late, but I only just now found this thread.

I just wanted to say I am so sorry. I've read several things you have had to say and I believe you seem like a wonderful person with great morals. I can only assume your father had a hand in molding you into the person you are today. If so, he did an excellent job.

My prayers and thoughts are with you and him during this time.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Thanks for the advice Petrus, but I am not sure just how much I can use. My father has shown to be diabetic recently, we have been controlling it with a low carb diet. My father also has a hereditary disorder that causes his blood to essentially thicken as he ages, he is on a large dose of Warfarin, a blood thinner, and has to be very careful of his Vitamin K intake as it will counter act the Warfarin, and thicken the blood. The thickening of the blood will cause pulmonary embolisms, (he has experienced these for years, even on thinners) and dramatically increase his risk of stroke (he had "Mini-stroke" about 5 years ago, was able to get it treated quickly, not much damage thank God).

I am already growing our own veggies, and pick edible wilds, I do not like GMO's either, and try to stick to non GMO hybrids, and heritage seeds.

I will check out the videos you suggested, thanks for the suggestion.

I am not looking for anything to save his life so to speak, I know he will not live forever, and he is missing mom, he has lived his life, and dare I say, done a damned good job of raising me, and my brother. Pain is not something he is in a great deal of so to speak, he does have it, but it is not something you can just dope him up to get rd off, he would hate that, as he hates anything that takes away his faculties. My father is all there mentally, his body is just not keeping up with him.

reply to post by jacktorrance

Thank you, my parents are very much the reason I am who I am.

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