posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:13 AM
You will notice my post is devoid of pictures; this is intentional. You'll understand why completely by the end of reading it; at least, it is one of
my goals to thoroughly communicate that to you. It isn't as exciting, but I hope by the end, you will consider what I've said and think for yourself
what difference it makes.
"the use of social structures to subdue and frighten people while telling them what they want to hear"
Use force through violent means and/or psychological warfare against the minds of people. Today's major religions use the family structure to
indoctrinate those children who trust their parents. (Implying that not all children are equally susceptible to this to the same degree and may leave
eventually.) In most cases, authority is given to the parent, who gives it to the church or synagogue or temple or mosque. The leaders use the
existing authority relationships to entrap individuals, which also reinforces them. Money trickles up from lower to upper. The hierarchy continues up
to the top, e.g., the guy in Rome. It sets up the framework for competition among religious groups, which is then used by other manipulative leaders.
It follows the model of causing a problem and next offering a solution in how it scares and then offers the religion groups made-up solution at the
same time. Naturally sets up subordination and subservience to other authorities, a "this is how it goes, because they say so." Followers usually
defend the system even against obvious evidence of manipulation and thievery, like any motivated, hard worker in a capitalistic society...
"a code of business that excessively profits that screws everyone involved in proportion to financial size"
Often a distinction is held between capitalism and corporatism, but businesses as I've described are like mini-corporations. Even if capitalism
starts over again, when the time is right, some business will eventually expand massively and lead to a corporation and strive aggressively to
dominate in order to be on top. To avoid being dominated, thereafter others follow suit and pursue their own businesses in the roughly the same way,
and the trend continues until people are frantic and aggressive. (Businesses that for one reason or another are meant to stay small do not present
this problem.)
Businesses only profit by buying cheap and selling higher, unless one person works alone. The idea is always to buy labor and goods for less (on
smaller or greater degrees) and always sell it higher. "I'm barely paying you, but who's asking whom for the job?" For anyone getting paid "a
lot," that company is surely ripping that person off even more, but that person doesn't mind so much as they consider themselves well compensated
but still go back for more. Hence, a handful of companies and people together eventually own the entire world. Too many people are too willing to work
for less due to desperation. The more people, the greater the desperation. Thus, big businesses benefit from higher numbers of people, and the idea of
the elite fearing overpopulation is a lie. The more people available for a given job, the cheaper the labor. Big business would then prefer crowding
and increasing numbers. The wealthier people live in the more spacious houses and better neighborhoods anyway, and they can always move to a new
neighborhood if they desire.
Military force used to wield power. Today it does, but differently. Money buys the use of that power and the squads of police, leading us to...
"the lie that centralization of power is good for everyone at the bottom too"
A more direct and historically visible approach. Once used military to control the people and used force whenever necessary, including against its own
people, always in "the interest of the nation." Sound familiar?
Today's version uses psychological war to subdue the minds of people. Promotion of fear of the government and police is created. It is preferred that
the people grow to become excited or emotionally high while fearful, and this is achieved through movies. The violence excites the viewer who then
reacts similarly to events in the news, which also includes passively responding to them. By this passivity, events which have real impact are not
viewed with significance that reality should bear.
Additionally, over stimulation of the mind leads to an inability to quiet the mind. A mind that cannot be quieted is continually 'running,' burns
out, and is stressed. The 'remedy' is usually further stimulation, having a dual effect of relaxing the mind while it is feeding upon the
stimulation of video & audio or audio alone, yet at the same time furthering the problem of over stimulation. It is similar to an opiate that acts as
a stimulant at the same time and causes the mind to continue to churn even once the source is turned off. Sources include all movies, all music
including 'relaxing types,' any and all news whatsoever (yes, this post), all YouTube, all porn, documentaries, most magazines, computer games
especially, also computer monitors, all TVs, stores for shopping (esp. large chains), typical restaurants, concerts (esp. that draw massive crowds),
typical bars, amusement parks, malls, certain 'high energy' political rallies, and many more. It boils down to anything visually appealing or
anything streaming into your ears, and that can include crowds with lots of people just walking by. If you doubt that a computer monitor itself
counts, consider the growing trend of businesses to use LED billboards and LCD screens in stores. The brightness attracts you and stimulates your
visual sense.
At the same time and overlapping with businesses' interests in collecting money, we have stimulation of your taste buds. Processed food under the
continually changing labels and names and ploys to convince you that what's in the box or bottle is anything other than mostly trash. High sugar
excites the taste buds and produces a physical addiction, like alcohol. Salt is also used. It boils down to continually pleasing you in yet another
way to keep you happy and thus passive but addicted to the pleasure of stimulation. It's difficult to function with any addiction, including ones
related to what is eaten. The sooner it starts, the deeper it becomes a part of the rest of your life. Hence, look down a cereal aisle -- they know
what they're doing to your children. Look at the vending machines at schools. Even at hospitals, very high sugar "supplement shakes" (e.g., Ensure)
are given, with synthetic chemical "vitamins" to make it appear to be anything other than something that makes you physically sick. (Note: there can
be a positive effect, but it comes from the belief that it will help.)