posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Masamune69
Thanks for posting this account, I'd never heard of it and it's a cracker.
Somehow it seems to contain a lot of the major elements of encounter accounts: red eyes, MiB, vanishing strangers, anomalous phenomena, missing time
and the little folk. Generally, I'd lose interest in a case that involves so much and suspect it was fabricated.
In this case, it's safer to suspend judgement and just scratch your head. The detail of her and the kids running away and the grass appearing to be
much longer and 'older' is quite striking. It seems there are 3 primary witnesses (Lynda, daughter, son) and one secondary witness (husband) of the
skin irritation.
The guy who brought the story out was a Harry Harris. I don't know what he does these days but for a while he was known amongst British UFO
researchers and viewed with mixed feelings. I don't know enough about him to offer an opinion about his credibility.
reply to post by Nusku
Thanks for the video links and particularly for posting the timings.
If only all ATSers were as helpful...