posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 03:33 AM
Y'all...we are not alone, those lights tonight were intelligent, and I'm amazed with a healthy fear of the unknown. I just got back in from viewing
again. One is still out there thrashing about as I type. I watched it dance behind the tree line, rise back above it, I just don't know what to
say....I'll write more tomorrow when I get off work. I know this really sucks, but the little camera I have really isn't worth a toot, and trust
me, I plan on getting a good one asap because if would have had a good one I would be uploading the best evidence I've ever seen myself, for that all
I can do is apologize and tell ya I'm getting a trustworthy video camera asap.
I saw smaller lights appear out of nothing from bigger ones...I saw shooting stars right beside the area where these lights were doing there
dance...I felt like I had a measure of influence on them appearing "whether that be wishful thinking or not I don't know,"
The one fact I keep going back to when I'm trying to deal with what all I have seen tonight is the huge bright star that was so low, so bright, so
huge, so close to the first dancing light we witnessed, and the fact that it completely disappeared without a trace shortly after this first light
showed up gives this all a huge measure of validity in my mind while going through the stages of disbelief even when I know in my heart and mind what
I have witnessed tonight.
Another thing, most of these lights when they would make a sudden or big maneuvers they would get brighter, twinkle brighter, or change colors.
I'm shocked y'all..I never thought I would see something like this and I have to wonder if something big is coming if I'm seeing it out in the open
with such conviction, or if I just got lucky.
Will write more tomorrow and I hope someone else got to see this tonight as well or will come on later to confirm and give their perspective.