posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:15 PM
I feel there should be no place for racism in Canada. Period. Sadly, i'm probably mistaken...
This country is extremely diverse, like America, and should be open to EVERYTHING. As long as we play by the rules, I see no problems with anyones
background, origin and especially color of skin. We're all HUMAN at the end of the day.
The follow up for this young lady is to take a few anger management, family and one-on-one counseling appointments to root out and understand why she
urged the need to express such feelings on the internet, instead of talking it out with her parents. Her father (and mother?) should be partial to
blame, seeing as how he (and she?) didn't know their daughter was crying for help.
I hope this girl is truly sorry for her actions, since its viral now and it might take a long time for it to go away, especially being in Canada.
I totally forgive her. I'm not sure about her parent(s) though, I feel they've neglected her to the point she went this far before they knew her
This is a sad story/topic and I don't think I want to add anymore. Thanks for letting me post my thoughts and for your reading of them.