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Photos show U.S. troops' 'inhuman conduct' with suicide bombers' bodies

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Personally, despite what may or may not have been the intentions of the current lapdog press agencies, at least the end result is that they are doing their job. The more openness the better. The more openness with information, the more - perhaps (one can dream) - the more likelihood that people will become disgusted with this whole twisted (mis-)adventure in patriotic ego-stroking (not just Afghanistan).

I say, let it all out - not just the soft, cushy, human-interest fluff about veterans with mental health problems, or who can't find work (probably because of the mental health problems) or who have high suicide rates (most definitely because of the mental health problems) or who beat their spouses or children or become alcoholics or pill-heads or heroin addicts...

Let out all the corpse-mutilation and village massacres and "Collateral Murder" and "Downing Street Memos" and Secret Service Sex Scandals and Pay-to-Play Political Parties and all the other deprived, immoral, unthinking, willful ignorance that this country has to offer...let it all out in the sunshine and then maybe the citizenry will be forced to show some recognizable compassion...anything outside of their disgusting little masturbatory bubbles where they watch other people's "realities" and think everything's just fine.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:39 PM
and still america do not want to learn. didn't work in vietnam, libanon, iraq and afganistan. wanna know why. it's the result of sending all your traler trash to go make war overseas. no education, no values, no morals. no respect. and what do you get. american soldiers. what can you expect from a country who's last 4 humm supposed presidents consist of 2 warlord thugs, a sex addict and a illegal immigrant.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Another10Pin
reply to post by RyanFromCan

May I ask, what year and month did your father enter WWII?

Read my post, I never said he was in WW2, he was alive then, and lied through the bombings, actually being displaced by them. I did say however he served in the British army of occupation in Germany, AFTER WW2. the incident I alluded too happened in 1955 in Osnabrück.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Salamandy

Originally posted by OldCorp
Funny how nobody condemns the actions of the suicide bombers, whose sole mission was to blow up innocent people so they can go to paradise and get laid.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd put the photos I saw on the LS Times website somewhere around a 2 on the "atrocity scale," and a -10 if you want to compare it to the atrocities committed by the Taliban.

Please, direct your outrage where it belongs.

I condemn a suicide bombers actions.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
The soldiers posing in the video have also been systematically programmed to hate and think murder can be justified. The whole thing is unesseccary and disgusting
edit on 18-4-2012 by Salamandy because: (no reason given)

Systematically programmed? I'm guessing that you have never served, and if you have then it was probably in some non-combative capacity. It's easy to say things like that when you have no perspective.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:42 PM
I guess you would have to be in combat to understand these kinds of actions....Period

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

I dont want to be that guy, but you really think thats a fair argument, remember most of the bombing that has taken place in Afghanistan has claimed the lives of innocent Afghans but i am sure you will say that its the price of war, and to say that these idiots holding pieces of suicide bombers body is just disturbing, they are meant to be fighting a war, sorry i should have said an illegal war not posing with pieces of bodies, how many more pictures are gonna be leaked are you going to say that its okay if they pose with a group of dead children who were brainwashed into picking up a gun?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by RyanFromCan

Originally posted by Another10Pin
reply to post by RyanFromCan

May I ask, what year and month did your father enter WWII?

Read my post, I never said he was in WW2, he was alive then, and lied through the bombings, actually being displaced by them. I did say however he served in the British army of occupation in Germany, AFTER WW2. the incident I alluded too happened in 1955 in Osnabrück.

I read your post. I was trying to make a subtle point ... unfortunately, it did not work.

I am glad to know that your father survived those times and has been able to impress upon you the convictions that he has developed due to his experiences. It is unfortunate, I think, that we are losing so many of that generation so quickly - because they still have a lot to teach us and we still have a lot to learn from them.

I hope that your father continues to pass on his knowledge to you, and that you continue to educate yourself regarding these issues. My regards to your father, and cheers to you!

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:29 PM
The civility of a nation should be judged by what they do with their enemy's bodies. Let's look at history and we will see that the countries that displayed dead bodies all over were judged to be decadent and evil. My beloved country will be listed right next to ones that had impaled bodies displayed at the borders.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by real1tys8
what can you expect from a country who's last 4 humm supposed presidents consist of 2 warlord thugs, a sex addict and a illegal immigrant.

He did not have sex with Monica!
His cigar did!

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by real1tys8

it's the result of sending all your traler trash to go make war overseas. no education, no values, no morals. no respect. and what do you get

Not everyone in the US military lives up to the standards with regard to behavior; just like society. These actions are not a reflection of the military or the country as a whole but rather a portion of EVERY society. By the way, before you call American military members uneducated trailer trash maybe you should learn how to spell TRAILER.

Consider that a grammar lesson from an American military member! Next lesson will be capitalization.

edit on 19-4-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:34 PM
As a 7 year vet of the USAF in the 80's, I would advise our young men to stop publishing pics to facebook. This kind of stuff goes on in every combat action, just, we have never had the advantages (?) of posting it live before.

To my bothers in the military, this stuff happens, keep it to yourself. I have 2 very good friends that are Viet Nam vets, I find out all kinds of stuff when we are hammered, however it never leaves the room/
edit on 4/19/2012 by BubbaJoe because: I can't type

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by real1tys8
and still america do not want to learn. didn't work in vietnam, libanon, iraq and afganistan. wanna know why. it's the result of sending all your traler trash to go make war overseas. no education, no values, no morals. no respect. and what do you get. american soldiers. what can you expect from a country who's last 4 humm supposed presidents consist of 2 warlord thugs, a sex addict and a illegal immigrant.

The American work ethic has resulted in many innovations in technology, modernization, education, milestones in the medical field, which the rest of the world has benefited from. Those who CHOOSE to join our military, and let me stress it is a choice, do so with great honor and respect for this country of which they represent. Those who serve in America's military are there so willingly and educated with at least a High School diploma who have passed written exams to be accepted, as well as physical exams. I don't know where you're from but I'm just curious....where are you from? I'm from Minnesota, USA.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by BubbaJoe
As a 7 year vet of the USAF in the 80's, I would advise our young men to stop publishing pics to facebook. This kind of stuff goes on in every combat action, just, we have never had the advantages (?) of posting it live before.

To my bothers in the military, this stuff happens, keep it to yourself. I have 2 very good friends that are Viet Nam vets, I find out all kinds of stuff when we are hammered, however it never leaves the room/
edit on 4/19/2012 by BubbaJoe because: I can't type

I think you got to the heart of the problem in one shot, right there. Jackpot!

I just read another story about am SS Agent who was fired posting on FACEBOOK about how he'd checked out Palin. A supervisor, mind the U.S. Secret Service and in the Presidential protection details assigned to cover Candidates.

How can we be shocked when 18 or 19 year olds being LED by men like that and worse act out in ways 18 or 19 year olds are likely to do without discipline and command above them they can respect and follow?

AMEN to Facebook and the net in general though. War Photos are for keepsake boxes and hope chests. Not for Facebook postings and fodder on the Late Night TV shows.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by queenofsheba

This drooling, knuckle-dragging, scratchin' and spittin' bit of trailer trash scored a 97 percent on the ASVAB. I've got to wonder how the obviously smarter and better educated specimen of sterling humanity that you were responding to would have done, had he grown a pair and stooped to the level of us mere commoners long enough to wiggle the pencil.

Hell, I bet his answer form would have caught fire from the speed he was getting stuff right at!

There's not a doubt in my mind that he's more intelligent, better educated, better looking, a better dresser, and probably completely irresistible on every level from the intellectual to the horizontal, and an altogether better human being than I am, so I'm sure his score would have been a cinch!

edit on 2012/4/19 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Another10Pin

I apologize that I missed the intent of your post, he lived through hell in the war, and had every reason to "hate " the :"hun", but he did not, he knew they were soldiers too, who fought for their country, and commanders, but were human as much as he was. As a matter of fact, he years later returned to Germany as an English teacher, he had a girlfriend while there, the daughter of a "Jewess" that was smuggled along withe her mother (Grandmother of his girlfriend), out of Dachau by an SS officer who later married her mother. My father would have married her if it was not for the objections of his family.

My father also served in Suez after his tor in Germany, so he does know the horrors of combat, something he speaks very little about.

As an aside, while watching the series "Band of Brothers", he mentioned a scene where a US soldier (officer I believe) was "looting" a Nazi establishment, for silver tea sets, he mentioned to me, that if that had happened int he British army, it would not only be not condoned, but the perpetrator would have been "up on charge!"

I know I am very lucky to have a living piece of history, I have been told a few times to start recording our long conversations, so they are not lost, and when I have children (I was a late life decision by my parents, dad was in his 40's) They will get to know their grandfather. I have talked to my father, and he is agreeable.

Oh, my father was born in April, 1936.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by RyanFromCan
reply to post by Another10Pin

I apologize that I missed the intent of your post, he lived through hell in the war, and had every reason to "hate " the :"hun", but he did not, he knew they were soldiers too, who fought for their country, and commanders, but were human as much as he was. As a matter of fact, he years later returned to Germany as an English teacher, he had a girlfriend while there, the daughter of a "Jewess" that was smuggled along withe her mother (Grandmother of his girlfriend), out of Dachau by an SS officer who later married her mother. My father would have married her if it was not for the objections of his family.

My father also served in Suez after his tor in Germany, so he does know the horrors of combat, something he speaks very little about.

As an aside, while watching the series "Band of Brothers", he mentioned a scene where a US soldier (officer I believe) was "looting" a Nazi establishment, for silver tea sets, he mentioned to me, that if that had happened int he British army, it would not only be not condoned, but the perpetrator would have been "up on charge!"

I know I am very lucky to have a living piece of history, I have been told a few times to start recording our long conversations, so they are not lost, and when I have children (I was a late life decision by my parents, dad was in his 40's) They will get to know their grandfather. I have talked to my father, and he is agreeable.

Oh, my father was born in April, 1936.

Happy Birthday to your father. Many more to come, I hope. And I hope you will be able to communicate to your children what your father has communicated to you.

Most men of that generation (and those who fought in Korea and Vietnam) who actually saw combat ... rarely talk of it. War is horrific ... it does horrific things to the mind ... and people do horrific things in war. Most just want to forget, but are never able to.

When I was a much younger buck and fresh to the Corps, I had an old Marine friend who served in WWII - he was one of the island hoppers in the Pacific. He was at Tarawa and Iwo Jima. Him and I would talk about the Corps and our Country, family and friends, and life ... We would talk about the Corps the way it was when he was in, and what it had become when I was in. He would tell me about being out at sea on ship, moving from island to island ... but we would rarely talk about what he had experienced on those islands. He would start to tell me little things, and then just stop. He couldn't do it. And as much as I wanted to ask, I respected his solitude in this regard.

After all he had experienced, he came home and was a happy man, raised a family, then some years ago left this life as it was ... and he was - happy. A gregarious, good natured man who in his life had done some terrible things. One of the many WWII combat vets that just left the world with little fanfare. I miss him.

There is a change of perspective in the generations in regards to this, as you already know. I think in your earlier post you referred to them as the "kill generation". I have to say, I don't know what to make of these generations. Things have certainly changed. I was telling another member, I was on the wheel for so long, that when I got off, I could no longer recognize my country.

But in regards to this thread, I will say again ... there is no dignity in war. And incidence such as the OP describes will never stop. People are people.

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