posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:48 AM
A question for all the lucid dreamers:
I'm doing the MILD Technique atm, Like I keep doing reality checks during the day and turning it into my habit. I've been doing that for 2 weeks now,
and still didn't have my first lucid dream. I don't wanna do the WILD Technique because that involves sleep paralysis. What are the chances i have a
lucid dream by doing the MILD Technique comparing to the WILD Technique? And apperently we dream more then once every night. But in order to remember
your lucid dream, do you need to remember all the dreams you had that night? like if you had about 5 dreams that night, and you only can remember 4,
is it possible the one you can't remember is your lucid dream?
edit on 19-5-2012 by Crashyy because: (no reason given)