Originally posted by libertad
Thank you.
I only want a safer, more-free (i.e. libertad), and creative world.
Nothing else.
Always follow your heart... it contains the truth
This idealistic goal is fundementally flawed at the root. As long as there are people willing to rule, and people willing to SUBMIT to that rule, this
world will never be free. And it is human nature to strive to control and to be controlled. You cannot FORCE others to choose freedom, otherwise
obviously it's not freedom is it? You cannot choose for another, as all have free will.
As a result, you will spend infinity fighting for "global freedom", as there will never be a lack of those who will attempt to rule you and others,
and never be a lack of those who will allow themselves to be ruled and controlled, for the perks and benefits this gives them. Consider that "desire
to be free" is not as universal as you may assume.
The only thing that you can "save" or "liberate" is yourself, with KNOWLEDGE which allows you then to CHOOSE. For thousands and thousands of years
people have been struggling, and many very wise and determined people were trying to "change this world" for what they see as the "better", or
rather, more freedom in their case. Has anything changed? Nope. History suggests, it is a futile and naive cause. Logic suggests, it will only happen
when ALL choose it, and not until then.
If you and your buddy BOTH do not want to be free, but only you, then you can ONLY make yourself free, and not your buddy. Your buddy in this case
being many (most) people in this world.
Consider that this world is the way it is for a REASON, and the only way to be "free" is to get off, after you learn the lessons of this reality.
When you enter a school classroom, do you change the entire curriculum and everything else in the school fit YOUR version of how it "should" be?
Isn't this rather selfish of you? Please consider that many people PREFER it this way. They don't WANT to be responsible for their actions, they
don't WANT to have to decide everything for themselves. They LIKE to blame their problems on "god" or their "leaders", and they LIKE to have
their "leaders" choose their destinies for them. Humans are service to self, it is their nature. When you transcend your own human nature, you
become super-human, and you NO LONGER FIT on this planet, and as a result, MOVE ON. Those who are still here are only here because this is where they
Consider that those who learn all their lessons and no longer FIT in this world, move on to the next one, where they DO fit. Perhaps we're not here
to CHANGE the classroom, but to LEARN, and then move on to the next grade.
Do you think it's possible to control an entire planet, if every single person on this planet does not allow themselves to be controlled, and CHOOSES
to not be manipulated by choosing TRUTH over lies, and FREE WILL over control/subservience? No. But if the planet is controlled, it is because
humanity as a whole has allowed for this. And who are you to deny humanity their lessons by imposing "freedom" on those who have no desire to be
Service to self means just precisely that, hierarchies of control, acting for your OWN benefit, seeking of pleasure for SELF etc. Service to others
means, lack of concern for self, which includes respecting free will of others to CHOOSE their form of existance, even if it is a slave - make no
judgements. No one can be forced into slavery without their consent. THAT is a truth, and you probably know this already.
Also, be careful with Icke, many of his ideas are designed to lead astray, as they combine truth and lies. One basic clue to that is, he's too
popular - anyone who is allowed to become so "popular" and widely known on this planet, is allowed to get there for a REASON. And considering that
this planet is fully controlled, such reasons are usually not to promote knowledge and truth. Like I said, be weary.
If you attach to that material, you may blind yourself to the possibility of it being false, and become uncritical of it, even if you keep telling
yourself you are. Then of course you will use it as a "bible" of sorts, and fight all evidence that suggests that this material has elements of
dishonesty, ignorance, and outright bs. This is true for ALL "material". The key is discerning which is which, there is no "pure source" of ONLY
Universe is balanced. Nothing can threaten the universal balance, simply because without balance there would be no existance. Anyone who suggests a
possibility to the contrary, that there is some "universal threat", and the "good guys" had to jump in and "save" the universe, or save mankind
because they felt "pity" for us, are simply emplying the same scare tactics as all religions do. They use your emotions to "hook you", and well..
you know what happens then.
Service to others beings do not interfere with free will, they do not act on their own "pity" as that is obviously selfish.. pity is a judgement
that someone has it "worse" than you. Empathy is ability to feel what another is feeling and going through, without JUDGEMENT that it's "bad" or
"useless". All experiences, painful and pleasurable alike, are very important in terms of lessons. And lessons is what we're here for, after
[edit on 28-10-2004 by lilblam]