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"Claim: Advanced dinosaurs may rule other planets"

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posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 02:37 PM
I think there could be reptilian beings because, what makes you think we are the only ones who suddenly gained the intellgence that 'NO ONE' else did? I always wondered, how did it happen, how did humans became more intelligent than apes and all other species? Science says" It just happened. Coincidence. Mmmok, how do you gain such intelligence and development out of nowhere?

Shouldn't some animals be at the evolution level of at least neanderthals? Why didn't they develop so far even the slightest since they've become today's animals. Why can't we see them more liek humans? What if such race did go underground?


Saying that Queen Elizabeth is a reptilian and showing some scars that could be from the shoes, no they are NOT scales, and saying the new princess is a Reptilian is a bunk. If they ever originated from such beings it must have happened so that even 1000 years ago and Elizabeth's family tree isn't that old, they were already human looking. No accounts of the middle ages her predecessor to have been seen with reptile-like features, right?

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by AMANNAMEDQUEST

Hopefully people will take Reptilian encounters a bit more seriously now. Or soon anyway.

Baby steps.
Our truth...who we REALLY are and what's really going on is being released so methodically .....that I want to scream!!! Not sure it's in excitement or disdain but I want to scream non-the-less.

I don't think this will lend ay credence to the "Reptilian Conspiracy" -- at least not in the way the issue is presented by many of the believers in that conspiracy (i.e., the people who see people pixelated videos as shape-shifting reptiles).

However, the idea that intelligent life elsewhere would look very different than us humans -- whether that intelligent ET life is reptile-like, insect-like, octopus-like, etc. -- is not a new idea. Most scientists fully think that ETs (intelligent and otherwise) will look nothing like humans. They very well could be reptile-like, or something totally unlike any other living thing on Earth...a whole different body type.

Astrolobiologists (such as the ones at NASA's Astrobiology Institute) have often considered the possibility of intelligent ETs that are not your normal mammalian-looking creature.

edit on 4/13/2012 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 04:10 PM

I don't really worry about whether anyone believes what I know to be true, having had a Close Encounter with his most ghastly and formidable creature back in 2007, but these Draco Reptilian beings do exist! And NO, I didn't believe it for a second before witnessing it in person, so I can't blame anyone for laughing it off. I used to think that anything Reptilian was a lark, disinfo, fairy tale stories and an insult to our intelligence. Unfortunately this is not the case, and here is what this Chemist might be trying to prepare us for, in his own cautious and indirect way:

Reptilian Biped: Draco

These least sighted entities are 7 to 12 feet tall. Draco, Latin for dragon, is similar in appearance to the Reptoid, but there are some differences. They have wings, capable of flight, made of long, thin bony spines protruding from their backs, joined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin. The scales are brownish green. Glowing eyes are red and they have horns. Some witnesses have reported seeing these creatures wearing capes. The Draco Prime has white scales.

The source of the above definition has since been removed from the internet. Just as has the Open Minds Forum where you could read about Clive Burrows' lucid dream, I saved and am posting an excerpt below:

This would match my sighting impressions which can be read here:

2010 post about my 11-2007 Close Encounter

For the above reasons I expect that Dragon symbols are henceforth being used on our own Spacecraft to gain their sympathy if intercepted?


posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 05:24 PM



posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 06:51 PM
Some of them have got to be cool if they're out there. Not having any of this "All Reptillians are evil" stuff.

Just saying, because if we find them at some point it could lead to some really stupid situations if we label them as evil.

edit on 13-4-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 07:17 PM
Well i have been shunted here because a thread was closed down
So a short summery of it is
Icke is a money grabbing lier
Reptillians would at least need opposeable thumbs to get here i mean have you ever seen a reptile brushin its teeth no thought not
If however you still believe the charlatan that is David Icke put down your mouse and go out side
There are trees and butterflies and other wonders that have kept mankind captivated for millenia
Reptiles piloting spaceships does that sound right as rational arguement My answer No
Take a deep breath and go outside you never know you may well like it

I could go on but i have to go and meet colin the alien for a couple of beers and a game of yahtzee


posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 07:26 PM
well.... dinosaurs somehow NATUALLY came about to exist on our planet.. so why not on others?

Im pretty interested in this theory, you think of other life you automatically think of intelligent human beings.. but why not animals?

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 07:28 PM
Not just a Sci-Fi plot, but an actual Sci-Fi plot

Star Trek Voyager, 1997.

A saurian scientist finds the remains of a Voyager crewman who died on the planet where the crew was exiled by the Kazon during the two-part episode "Basics". An analysis of the remains' DNA shows links to his own DNA. While tracking and studying the Voyager crew, the scientist and his aide are discovered; they eventually pool their knowledge and conclude that the saurian is an evolved dinosaur from a species that left Earth more than 65 million years earlier.

I remember watching the episode when it came out...quite good as i recall.

However...just because a script writer had the same idea for a TV show, doesn't preclude the possibilty that it actually happened here or elsewhere.

edit on 13-4-2012 by MysterX because: typing error.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 07:35 PM
If you took this to its extreme you could even put the argument across that fearing Reptiles and labelling them this and that is basically pretty racist... If you imagine some other worlds and beings then imagine if their leaders spouted propaganda about all Humans being evil, etc, it's basically the same thing.

I'm not saying we shouldn't be wary and think of the possibility of certain bad factions being around, but you could say the same thing about us and having bad factions, it's maybe the same with many species, and that there'll be neutral and good factions too.
edit on 13-4-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
well.... dinosaurs somehow NATUALLY came about to exist on our planet.. so why not on others?

Im pretty interested in this theory, you think of other life you automatically think of intelligent human beings.. but why not animals?

Something that evolves independently on another world would not be a reptile. It's possible something could evolve a lot of superficial similarities to reptiles. Nature will quite likely find some similar answers to common problems of survival, just by chance, but whatever it is, it won't be a reptile. It won't have the same genetic code as a reptile, and it will probably have far more differences with reptiles than reptiles do from us. We are really pretty close on the tree of life compared to, say, arthropods or mollusks or sponges. All are animals, but like reptiles were are vertebrates, share the same number of digits on our hands/feet as most vertebrates (some species lose digits that become useless, or digits turn into things like the support structure for wings). We share significant parts of our brain development and significant parts of our genetic code.

Evolution is not convergent, at least not on the genetic level. Sometimes you get convergences of forms, as certain forms prove to be very useful for survival in similar ecological niches. The most we are likely to see is some sort of convergence of forms to some degree, if certain forms prove to be the most efficient means for survival. Bilateral symmetry is useful as it makes creatures that can walk/run quickly, creates a two-eye visual system which can be good for either stereoscopic vision (good for hunting) or vision on two sides of the body, which is good for spotting predators. Four limbs instead of six or more might be the best balance for larger creatures (things bigger than arthropods) as it creates good stability and can generate good speed for walking/running, while using less energy than six or more limbs. Bipedalism can be a useful adaptation from those four walking limbs for tool users as it frees up two limbs for manipulation of the environment. Also, two limbs is more efficient than four for getting around (though not as fast), and is good for creatures that are marathon hunters, like humans evolved as. For all of these reasons, I could easily see an intelligent species on another world evolving a form that is in some very superficial ways bipedal, a lot like a human in that respect. It might have a scaly skin, which would be very useful for protection and thus look a lot like a reptile to us. But such a creature would not be a reptile if it evolved independently on another planet. It would not be a dinosaur or a dinosaur descendant.
edit on 4/13/2012 by LifeInDeath because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
However, the idea that intelligent life elsewhere would look very different than us humans -- whether that intelligent ET life is reptile-like, insect-like, octopus-like, etc. -- is not a new idea. Most scientists fully think that ETs (intelligent and otherwise) will look nothing like humans. They very well could be reptile-like, or something totally unlike any other living thing on Earth...a whole different body type.

Astrolobiologists (such as the ones at NASA's Astrobiology Institute) have often considered the possibility of intelligent ETs that are not your normal mammalian-looking creature.

There is no reason to think that other creatures may not be living in similar conditions. Mars is earth-like and if not the thin atmosphere it would be the same conditions as Earth, meaning, creatures would develop in the same way. New earthlike planets discovered also shows a similar nature is possible.

So while there could be entirely different conditions that would make creatures evolve and look differently, there could be some with the same features. There is no reason to exclude such possibility.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 03:47 PM

Dang it was just about to post a thread on this, you guys beat me to it. Bah.........

I'm even like days late into it.

Looks like V people really exist.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 04:43 PM
I'm getting a visual of how a T-Rex would go about clothing himself with those little insignificant arms, or how a Triceratops goes about sewing a garment with those hooves, come to think of it the Stegosaurus relaxing in a Lazyboy smoking a cuban and what kind of Ottoman his legs could reach, I think is the best one. But I keep thinking of Jethro; tall as a tree, dumb as a stump.
edit on 18-4-2012 by Illustronic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Imtor

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
However, the idea that intelligent life elsewhere would look very different than us humans -- whether that intelligent ET life is reptile-like, insect-like, octopus-like, etc. -- is not a new idea. Most scientists fully think that ETs (intelligent and otherwise) will look nothing like humans. They very well could be reptile-like, or something totally unlike any other living thing on Earth...a whole different body type.

Astrolobiologists (such as the ones at NASA's Astrobiology Institute) have often considered the possibility of intelligent ETs that are not your normal mammalian-looking creature.

There is no reason to think that other creatures may not be living in similar conditions. Mars is earth-like and if not the thin atmosphere it would be the same conditions as Earth, meaning, creatures would develop in the same way. New earthlike planets discovered also shows a similar nature is possible.

So while there could be entirely different conditions that would make creatures evolve and look differently, there could be some with the same features. There is no reason to exclude such possibility.

Right. I wouldn't discountthe possibility of life out there looking "humanoid", to borrow a term used on TV shows such as "Star Trek". In fact, the more alien species there are out there, the more likely there would be human-looking aliens among them.

However, given the diversity of life even on our own little planet (and even life that has shown some intelligence, such as dolphins, octopi, and elephants), I think it is far more likely that any randomly chosen life form out there would NOT look like a human.

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