posted on May, 2 2012 @ 08:23 PM
I read a report that the show is more about her personality then her abilities. She is adorable, I think she has a big heart, and is a lot of fun.
Teh problem with mediums and psychics is that people expect them to be 100% accurate. No one does their job 100%. I am a typist and I am no where near
100% accuracy.
George Anderson, probably the most famous medium, explained that they have to make it work several ways, first the spirits show them what they are
trying to convey, they have to interpret the message, but the client has to interpret the message as well, leaving a lot of room for error.
He gave a great example where he was doing a reading, the spirit kept showing him a violin, so he kept asking the client if the spirit was a musician,
music lover, loved concerts and the client denied it all and left dissappointed
George didn't know what went wrong. Till the client returned a month later and said he figured it out and it ends up that George or the spirit
wasn't wrong, the spirits last name was Strad or a similar surname related to instruments.
So what is often trying to prompt information from the client, can often be confused as cold reading, which hacks do. But sometimes the clients are
not very good at interpreting what the message is that is being portrayed and the medium has to keep prompting their minds.
George Anderson gave a lot of examples where clients came back with face palm moments, or they looked through the spirits or family history and
figured out what the spirit was talking about.
What may be important to the spirit may not be a prominant memory to the client.
For example, I wrote a letter years ago to my deceases BIL, but it wasn't a defining moment to me. but my BIL may have thought it was. If I was
prompted for a letter, I may go: what letter?
So what skeptics don't understand that these readings are not so cut and dry, and can be more complicated then as they would like to perceive it.
And no one knows if spirits maintain the same intelligence or know all when they pass. What if they are practical jokers or just idiots?
And to communicate with the medium, spirits can only use what the medium knows for interpretation. so the library they can use is pretty limited.
Maybe grandma loved, loved loved to visit Japan. And that would be a defining characteristic. But if the medium doesn't have one iota of knowledge of
Japan or its culture, then the spirit couldn't portray that.
So if the spirit gives the letters BB, the medium doesnt' know what that means. She may be cold fishing or she may be prompting the client's memory.
It could be the name of a favorite painting, the monogram on a favorite jewelry box, and the client doesn't get it.
That all being said. Do I think she is real? I don't know yet. I have done some research, I know she does this for a living abut her rates are
actually pretty reasonable, I don't think its a scam. from neighbors and such, they said she has been doing this for ages so this isn't a new ploy
to get money. And she had a good repuation long before the show.