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Given My Excesses Have Been Public, My Apology, Repentance Ought To Be, too, imho

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:29 PM
I realize that the following will not please everyone. Perhaps it won't please anyone. C'est la vie; Que Sera Sera.

1. I earnestly confess, repent for and apologize for unnecessary contentiousness, anger, self-defense, and lack of sufficiently turning the other cheek in my postings.

Repentance is primarily between myself and God. However, I once belonged to a church where a glib "I'm sorry" was not sufficient . . . and I felt they made a good point. Repentance is about Turning From a flawed, destructive, sinful choice and TO a constructive, redemptive choice.

And, as I noted in my title, the offenses were public, so I think the repentance ought to be as well.

I realize that no list of my flaws or sins would be complete ENOUGH for some hereon. Tough tacos. This is my current reality and what I can earnestly own with authenticity to my personhood and my values.

I think "self-defense" is a good weather-vane. It has been my observation that when I or others get TOOOO wound up in self-defense, then there's probably too much emotionality involved. It's probably past time to let the wolves take all the bones and think of themselves as victors rather than join in increasingly bloody gnawing and sharp-fanged ripping asunder.

That does NOT automatically mean I'll never write another single word or sentence in my own behalf.

[color=9999CC]By way of Definitions . . .

I consider contentiousness too strong an element or component of arguing for the sake of arguing or for ego reasons or to prove that one's . . . wellllll you likely get the idea.

I don't consider ALL ANGER to be wrong or evil. However, in a text based context over topics easily involved with intense passions . . . it's mostly a great hazard.

I realize that my personality and style tend to foster other perceivers as labeling me as VERY ANGRY when I'm NOT angry at all.

Soooooo, it seems to me, I need to work extra hard at insuring that any occasional fitting anger is well and fittingly worded on ATS.

IF ATS is now decreeing that there are to be NO angry or angry appearing posts, then I'd appreciate it if someone would make that clear to me and I'll do my best to make that adjustment, too.

For other things folks think or are convinced that I'm guilty of . . . I have no problem or little problem apologizing, repenting . . . even publically, for things I authentically see myself as guilty of.

My own integrity to myself, to God and to others I relate to prevents me from apologizing for things I'm utterly convinced I"m NOT at all or significantly guilty of.

I realize that mileage may vary.

We all have our own unique constructions on reality.

2. I don't know how many cheeks I'll have left to turn but I'll endeavor to earnestly do that in the future.

And, I'm not guaranteeing that all my postings . . . whenever I feel up to such again . . . will fit other folks' constructions on reality as "turning the other cheek."

I don't see any Biblical mandate to always be a useless wimpy doormat.

Nevertheless, Christ meant what He said and I'll do my best to apply it in the ATS community in fitting, persistent, Redemptive, overcoming ways.

3. Springer's: "[color=33CCFF]Act with genuine and honest desire to discuss and share in a civil manner with respect for ALL points of view and you have nothing to fear, ..."

Is MUCH easier for me to wrap my understanding and practical expectations around than all the other statements on that thread.

That's one of the more HOPEFUL sentences I've seen recently. I don't know how it will play out or be operationally manifested but at least that seems practcial and doable--even for my strange cognitions and constructions on reality.

I do have a ton of '[color=9999CC]honest desire to discuss and share in a civil manner with respect for ALL' ATSers and thereby some significant degree of respect for all their points of view.

Expecting me to say that I believe that all points of view are

in my view


would not be a fitting expectation, imho.

Anyway--FWIW, there you have it.

If this is in the wrong category, I trust it will be moved to a more fitting one. This seemed to fit the most, to me.

edit on 10/4/2012 by BO XIAN because: forgot to change a word

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:34 PM
please don't kill yourself.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by randomname
please don't kill yourself.

Thanks for your concern.

That's not an option in my construction on reality.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Apology accepted, I guess.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I'll say what needs saying since everyone else seems to have no idea what an Apology is

Good man BO X, i shake you warmly by the hand, Although i can't remember any point where our swords have met i find a man a penitent man to be an honest and gracious one

edit on 10/4/12 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I don't know you, but say you might as well have fun here and let other people have fun too. That should do it for anyone who still depises your guts and wishes that reincarnated Vikings descend on your ancesteral graveyards for another go at the ole sod. Good to meet you, out there in the cyberedpunkedspace.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by TsukiLunar

Thanks for your bother.

Much appreciated. I guess.


posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Thanks tons for your discernment

and for your perspective.

I find much agreement with your perspective.

Many folks seem to look down on such things. However, I've persistently found in my life . . . that doing so has helped me step UP a bit, somehow . . . paradoxically.

I certainly feel similarly as you seem to feel.

May God bless you and yours.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Aleister
reply to post by BO XIAN

I don't know you, but say you might as well have fun here and let other people have fun too. That should do it for anyone who still depises your guts and wishes that reincarnated Vikings descend on your ancesteral graveyards for another go at the ole sod. Good to meet you, out there in the cyberedpunkedspace.


I enjoy your spirit, pluck, spunk, wit.

I do enjoy ATS. Have enjoyed the vigorous back and forth.

With more than 3,000 hours of INTENSE no-holds-barred T-group experiences . . . most in leadership roles . . . I may have ENJOYED the fray overmuch for this context.

This is a VERY different context with VERY different--near opposite rules. The adjustment has not been quick or easy.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Unfortunately many people these days never give correct respect when it's due, I think many don't know how to deal with something as pure as an Apology, Even a man who says only "Sorry" has bought himself to justice in my eyes and deserves every respect for it.

Peace to you

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
reply to post by BO XIAN

Unfortunately many people these days never give correct respect when it's due, I think many don't know how to deal with something as pure as an Apology, Even a man who says only "Sorry" has bought himself to justice in my eyes and deserves every respect for it.

Peace to you


We live in an increasingly coarse, harsh, even brutal age getting worse, imho.

The good deed may seem like and even be like a candle in a hurricane . . . nevertheless . . . Praise God for the candle and the soul courageous enough to light it or carry it.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Hi Bo Xian.

Glad to see you posting again!

Anyone who doesn't accept such a heart felt apology is not worth your time. Its their loss.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by itsallmaya

Thanks much for your kind and thoughtful reply.

Part of my pathology is to be grieved when not understood.

I've gotten better over the years . . . but it's certainly not totally gone by some margin.

Maybe it's just part of being human.

I do recognize that I'm also still learning to be careful about what sorts of critters I try to get to sing in harmony with me.

Some critters are not at all interested in singing . . . much less with me! LOL.

And that doesn't begin to get into the Scriptures about pearls. LOL.

May you and those you love have a blessed, growthful week.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I`ve got a pretty good hunch on why you may feel you need to appoligise and thats entirely up to you.

I have always loved your posts and your insights (even if fully understand or agree) and you have been a friend to me (a God send sometimes) that you would be completely oblivious to.I think your passionate because you honestly care,which is more than I can say for many.

The T&Cs here can be tricky at times and thats going to happen when its enforced by humans who have their own biases to deal with,one motto of ATS is that its user generated content,but its actually Admin and staff driven user content which is evolving with more control,such is life with the MSM.

To me if people can`t be civil or they are racist etc etc I think its better to not censor them, rather than have decent members talk with them even if thats passionately or show them by example.

In my time here I`ve seen a Christian guy here censored and shut down because he was giving a warning to those who were chatting on a thread about conjuring up spirits, as one of many examples.But how many times in sooo many threads can people slang off unabated toward Christians.

When this is heard or said so often we will mainly only hear "use the complaint button" so it seems to me in being Christian it will go against the t&cs at times when speaking up on certain topics,because that sounds bigoted disruptive or whiny.

Anyway my 2 cents and I love ya BO XIAN and glad to have you around

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by gps777
reply to post by BO XIAN

I`ve got a pretty good hunch on why you may feel you need to appoligise and thats entirely up to you.

I have always loved your posts and your insights (even if fully understand or agree) and you have been a friend to me (a God send sometimes) that you would be completely oblivious to.I think your passionate because you honestly care,which is more than I can say for many.

The T&Cs here can be tricky at times and thats going to happen when its enforced by humans who have their own biases to deal with,one motto of ATS is that its user generated content,but its actually Admin and staff driven user content which is evolving with more control,such is life with the MSM.

To me if people can`t be civil or they are racist etc etc I think its better to not censor them, rather than have decent members talk with them even if thats passionately or show them by example.

In my time here I`ve seen a Christian guy here censored and shut down because he was giving a warning to those who were chatting on a thread about conjuring up spirits, as one of many examples.But how many times in sooo many threads can people slang off unabated toward Christians.

When this is heard or said so often we will mainly only hear "use the complaint button" so it seems to me in being Christian it will go against the t&cs at times when speaking up on certain topics,because that sounds bigoted disruptive or whiny.

Anyway my 2 cents and I love ya BO XIAN and glad to have you around

I agree with every line of your discerning and thoughtful post. I was trying to edit it to the more important parts for me to respond to and I ended up leaving every word because every sentenced touched me deeply.

I think you have a very accurate understanding, perception of ATS and what routinely happens hereon. That level of understanding for this 'special' 'bird of rare plumage' is certainly very rare on ATS--and most welcome.

I don't think there's a solution to what you describe.

So, by His Grace, I do what I can to adjust and go on.

Besides, MOST of the time, it is pretty difficult to be TOOOO gracious and civil. LOL.

In terms of apology and repentance--I'd MUCH rather err on the side of overdoing that than underdoing it.

I've had enough in my life of 65 years of folks being tooooo insecurely ARROGANT to apologize about anything. THAT REALLY stinks, imho. So, I don't want to be anywhere near THAT category.


edit on 11/4/2012 by BO XIAN because: an addition

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